
The Eternal Recurrence in Cosmology

The Eternal Recurrence in Cosmology

J.D. Barrow writes in 'The Infinite Book' of the cosmological problem of the eternal recurrence. I have written about that perception of Nietzche before as have countless others. So here I learned something more on the topic from Barrow helpfully shedding light on the philosophical problem from a mathematical-physics basis in his book within a chapter named 'The Infinite Replication Paradox'.

I will write a few comments on the logic of infinite universes and permutations of life.

Barrow notes several historically important individuals that were scientists or philosophers that have contemplated the idea that if the Universe is infinite then anything that has a non-zero probability of occurring should recur infinitely in various permutations. Some have also argued that Christ would therefore need to be crucified infinitely in all of these permutations. Of course they fail to recognize the supervening nature of God as Jesus Christ in such a case (fully God and fully an simultaneously) and place Jesus within an Aryan heresy sort of context of a contingent nature...Jesus could appear just once, or wherever needed as God prefers.

Even the logic of an infinite universe having a necessity of producing an infinite variety of variations of all possible forms of life an infinite number of times is not compellingly convincing. God may decree it not to be so, yet even on a purely phenomenal, non-theistic basis just one Universe or being might logically negate the existence of all the others with an infinite replication of negation. An infinite universe might not have the capacity to have contradiction of transcendent scale within it universally. For instance, a universally blue universe could not simultaneously be a universally red universe of infinite size.

We might like to believe that one infinite universe of a monistic composition would not concurrently permit the existence of a different concurrent universe.

A universe infinite in time and monistic in character temporally would perhaps not produce randomly generated universal constitutions, but recurrent simple loop patterns as might one find in fractals, or quantum constructions as of electrons, quarks, strings or membranes.

The temporal extension of space and mass from finite local sources (even if from a pre-expansion membrane or field as Gasperini and Turok have described) may induce speculation that infinite varieties of universe generations replicating all possible variety of forms of being is an actualization of statistical probability provided that an infinite field fruitful for the infinite production of universes locally exists with standard, conformable rules permitting the infinite spatio and temporal issue of permutations of all possible forms of universal emanation. While such a universal standard macro-field support for the issuance of an infinite number and variety of universes may have a non-zero probability of being so, that probability also has a non-zero probability of encountering no other interfering boundary conditions that would apply to infinity-especially if and when intelligent life exists anywhere.

Certainly Satan has legendarily sought to hijack the Universe and all its possible forms from God. That contradiction of existence is a symbol of an infinite profusion of logical contradictions to the promulgation of an infinite number of universes being issued in a perfectly varied number and variety of forms.

It is also possible that the infinite universe is something like a container in which the will of God may actualize. It may have a consistent monistic appearance for one eon, and an infinite number of bubble universes in it the next.

It is not logically necessary that God be subject to the physical laws of the contingent created universes nor of a non-contingent field generating the content of universes. One may actually find a theological speculation I suppose about sentience, locality and the Universe that allows the creation of whatever it is that God wants to exist without use of implicit or evident finite spatio-temporal connectors to the Creator. The transfinite infinities of Cantor as examples can lead the way to infinities qualitatively transcended by other than spatio-temporal processes. If a new DVD is dropped in to the universe's infinity is that a bad thing?

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