
Counter-Revolutionary Tax Cut Continua in Congress

The founders' revolution was against concentrated wealth's colonializing control. A Uhlerian supply excess profits for the rich side counter-revolution by wealthy globalists of a new world order cutting taxes for the rich, bolixing the environment and standard of living hopes for the democratic poor and middle class has accelerated in the two decades following the end of the cold war.

Dead reckoning of the day for raising taxes on the rich to a reasonable level informs us that a Romney administration and a Democratic House and Senate might be the best when prospects coincide to create a combined economic defense against national debt and tax policies tilted to favor the rich.

Taxation for an intelligent democratic society is a variable rather than a constant. Taxation on the rich and on other classes are set to keep full employment, national infrastructure, public health, environment and economy optimally performing. Until the era of voodoo economics after 1981 that was the national political policy of the U.S.A.

The Blitzkrieg of globalist outsourcing, tax cutting and illegal alien shock-troop worker immigration has left America's heartland bereft of high paying secure jobs for the poor and middle class seeking to own their own property, grow their own orchard and have a few cows and goats to barbecue with Fresnel lenses, solar power and soy-peach sweet and sour sauce much less own a quarter million dollar home and fat retirement investments.

During the cold war an oligarchy inclined rich needed the poor and middle class on their side against communist totalitarianism. With communism prevalently defeated the rich have turned their power of economic war upon the nation's poor and middle classes through a broad front of cultural devices.

Non-intellectuals existentialist consumer members of The Church of Lowest Mile Per Gallon Suvs

-perhaps 20% of the nation- will always be camp followers of the rich heedless of the political depletion of democracy around them.

Many politicians haven't good economic history sense and inflate wrong ideas.

This is the new age of irrational political economic management. Adam Smith's invisible hand has been upgraded into a no-brain theory of democratic economic supervision. Combined with anachronistic economic ideas grown in the ante-vellum and southern reconstructionist past, it adds up to an extremely weak no-brainer U.S. governance of 50 states.

South Carolina's Tea Party brewing Senator may be influenced by the state's economic history of slavery. Today's Americans who aren't rich are today's n-word workers regarded as wheedling benefits from the Mansion owning rich trying who alone have received the inspired word of globalism and The New World Order.

The ante-bellum way of Tea Party economic thinking is an economic paradigm in favor of defense spending in Charleston to send planeloads of junk to Iraq and Afghanistan cause the military be good defendin the rich. The inspired word of corporatism may distributed through defense sub-contractors from Tibet and Mongolia.

If taxes can be cut so the slaves/former slaves (they are of all races today) have to get off they buts and work for the wages the rich are charitably willing to pay (10 cents an hour without health benefits or breaks?) the budget can be balanced.

Luckily Sen. McCain brought then Alaska Governor Sarah Palin into the mess of oddball alternative Republican politics to help form the Tea Party and bring illuminating, deep economic and social reasoning into the economic management team. With Senator Jimmy DeMint (he bring da monies and issues da coins to the po folk spare), Rep. Bachman and a Godfather's Pizza CEO the Tea Party has a fine counter-revolutionary intelligentsia searching for ways to cut taxes, part out the environment enrich the rich.

The Earth is disposable income for the elect because Jesus Getty will make a new Earth for the rich after the final tax cut and beatification of the first oil wells. In the Church of the Biggest SUV Jesus Getty said 'Spend the environment like there is no tomorrow for sufficient unto the earnings report is the balance sheet thereof.'

South Carolina has innumerable good people living in it. It has the best natural ecosystem for human dwelling year round located in the U.S.A. South Carolina before 1860 was a slave agriculture based economy very slow to recover after the civil war. Obviously they had no political candidates during reconstruction claiming to have dabbled in witchcraft, yet neither were they quick about renouncing and reforming the cultural dichotomy that made oligarchy an inertially reinforced social phenomena. Today that tradition blast intelligent U.S. economic reform and undermines democracy in the U.S.A. It is a globalist disdain for what should be a nativist economic infrastructure growing with an optimization of science, environment, social and spiritual values.

I should mention why slavery in the modern era was so vicious to the human spirit...slaves were bred-human beings were bred and owned as property. That is existentially of the set of ultimate evil. Reducing human life to a status of meaningless practico-inert bio-mass tools is Satanic.

In the primitive era slaves were taken in war as a compassionate conservative alternative to killing captives. In savage unlimited war there can be no repatriations of prisoners of war. In the modern era of slavery war was not the reason for slavery-economic desire by the most powerful business and government predators was the motivating cause for the social institution of dehumanizing human life.

With so many free trade pacts abroad Business has little reason to manufacture in the U.S.A. It is far cheaper to invest abroad and ship to American consumers now.

With so much cheap illegal migrant labor available their is little reason for anyone in the south to pay more than 2 dollars an hour for labor in millions of situations.

With so much advanced communications technology one may scan data objects for specs and make a cell phone sending the specs to China and have the new product made and Fedex'd that day back to the U.S.A. to a customer. The same situation exists with custom made sump pumps and a zillion other products that formerly were made in America. It is cheapest to get data for custom products in America, send it abroad to a very cheap production facility and ship the collective product orders to the U.S.A. on same day air.

The farm and ranch sector is increasingly owned by global farms as well. Jobs that cannot be outsourced are given to cheap illegal alien workers. The U.S. Government has failed to direct corrective economic measures that would defend democracy in America with the tools of capitalism and free enterprise intended to enrich the populous rather than to concentrate wealth or sedulously outsource political and economic sovereignty.

What is a mystery is why President Obama did back flips for extending tax cuts for the rich in December 2010? The present budget negotiations should not even be taking place.

Increasingly the interest in creative jobs in the United States is nipped in the bud by pragmatic economic concerns. If an inventor starts manufacturing a new product it will soon be cloned in a foreign factory or the new business going public will be leveraged and bought out or a hostile takeover will cut its workforce and relocate to Shanghai or Mumbai, Buenos Aires or Vietnam. The ignorance of the decline of the United State's economic prospects for those that are not rich is acceptable to the new class of globalist drones with visions of a non-human version of capitalist political philosophy in their heads safe for aristocratic rule over an acquiescent android population.

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