
A Comment on 'Whose Bible Is It?'

Jaroslav Pelikan published this work of Bible scholarship in 2005. It is an erudite examination of a sublime theme one may discover from time to time returning to the perennially thoughtful intellectual scholarship a soul may view The Book and history with.

We encounter well researched treatments of the three sections of the Tanakh-the Jewish Bible; the Torah/Pentateuch, the Nevi’im/ Prophets and the Kethuvim. The origin of the little books (Greek Biblia) that became called in time the singular Bible is examined through its social history.

The journey of the Bible through nations and translations is charted with informative examinations of points of interest, meaningful changes and simultaneous continuity along the way from the letters that Paul wrote to Timothy in Greek because Timothy probably could not read Hebrew to Karl Barth’s 1918 ‘Epistle to the Romans’ commentary. The reader discovers through the 251 pages of this worthwhile read answers to the question; ‘Whose Bible Is It?’

Jaroslav Pelikan has several honorary PhDs in addition to the usual academic honors and they seem well deserved.

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