
Sect Clinton's Management of Ambassador Steven's Killing Under Scrutiny

There have been numerous questions about why the Obama administration supported moderate rebels in Libya to overthrow a government the Bush administration had made peace with. The questions arise because many of those rebels seem to have evolved into ISIS troops in a Libya moving toward fundamental radical Islam. They also occur because of the way the state department let the Ambassador be captured, tortured and killed seemingly in order to show trust in the good intentions of the locals. One also wonders why the rescue team was bureaucratically fragged possibly in order to let the slaughter go ahead.

It is true that many Ambassadors are rich appointees from the 1% that want some glory and connections and hence are not good for democracy, yet democracy in the Middle East is a joke anyway that makes leftists in Democrat administrations feel good about themselves. So one must tolerate the political incompetence that may occur as it is likely to be on par with that of the State Department and administration.

Sect. Clinton said she did not use e-mail as her primary communication in office, and so that seems to explain why she had all of her emails on a private email account where anything embarrassing would not be become part of the public government record. Lawyers know better than to let the public seem their private business or that of their clients. Except Sect Clinton was working for the public, and the public interest was in an open source kind of freedom of information approach to email communications that would normally graduate to public review when suffient time had allowed.

Sect. Clinton might not have trusted the emails accounts of the State Department though and was perhaps a mind reader about the Chelsea Manning thing that would release thousands or millions of government emails via wikipedia-wise choice. The Red Army may know more about what goes on behind closed doors of the State Department than the average American citizen.

Too many questions, too little time. Syria seems to be raising the same sort of malfeasances, so one can’t just dump all the blame on the next Chicago lawyer running for the White House.


J.F.K.- When the tide comes in...

John F. Kennedy said about the economy that 'when the tide comes in, all of the ships in the harbor rise'. While some may not regard N.P.R. as America's Al Qaeda, the broadcast media has become the national elector substantively promoting their favorites to the Presidency so far as possible. That fact and the media concentration on promoting foreign over national interests accomplishes what even King Canute could not in keeping the tide from rising.

Government ought not be organized crime enthralling the citizens with debt. Reform of the economy to an ecological economic foundation of sustainability, full employment and new value theory cannot be done with either unrepentent sinner political leadership nor with corruption that thrives on the fascist ethic of victimizing others.


Obama Admin Aim; Gay Bars on Mars by 2035 (satire)

In front of a reporter, a virtual holographic informant was shot dead while screening the runt strutting behind that was seeking to be embedded with him at a Chicago Street Seminar on Moral Relativism in Applied Government Policy given by the Harvard-Yale School of Linguistic Relativism in Boston. Another reporter hiding behind the one in front reported the incident and procured the story written by a spaced out musical composer with artful policy insight descrying administration goals in foreign policy. We've paid 5 cents for the news.

Wiping off a little of the blood and brain matter from the story, the reserve reporter found elite opinions that analysis of U.S. forrent policy in the Obama administration after the debacles of Cairo, Libya, Syria, Iran and the Ukraine have taken an odd turn to Mars. As a symbol of war, blood. death and conflict a gay pacification policy seems to have taken effect with all of the propaganda required for spoofing missions to Mars. Neutralizing Mars, perhaps renaming it the planet Cherry, become a federal policy fixation to help solve the budget crisis. [musical interlude]

Usually the left perspective on foreign policy views traditional American interventionism as a consequence of hard right-wing corporatism. The left regard the homosexual state, dope and lusting elitism as remedies to harsh right wing conditions in the second rural’d. They have implemented supporting policies to bring homosexuality, dope and democracy to Egypt, Libya and Syria without achieving prettiness instead adding expectorant to the rise of the Islamic State. In flawless French with only a slight Boston accent, Sect. Spindle reportedly said ‘beware of the leavening’ of Viking Volk. Mass flight of civilians to Europe and across the marble brought an opportunity for liberals to descry intolerance of immigrants fleeing U.S. foreign policy.
[musical interlude]

In a little bar in Munchen the seizanul Thirstin Howl festival morphed into a plan to takeover an empty PUCUSA church for the nude headquarters of Volk radio. The causus beli was a rehab project that generated value-added kitsch propaganda leverage for the beer drinking media wolf pack. A conspiracy was hatched to hide A.I. ghost voices in the machine that covered up greenhouse gassing flatulence during psych emissions testing.
From its humble origin in the shadows of Prince Mad Ludwig's castle, the spin became national with sites set on the Virld. After completing Volk Rehabilitation the headquarters moved to the District of Chitch where reporters stood behind one another in Neitszhean recursion.

Administration special advisers redefine meanings of important political concepts as malleable and subjective. Sustainable economic development along environmental lines can be accomplished by queering, doping and dumbing down a populace instead of creating new environmental economic infrastructure. Space exploration can be accomplished with Hollywood propaganda films instead of rational manned missions to build bases on the Moon and Mars; or a space station that loops between Earth and Mars.

The primary policy purpose of the administration is to create a vast global dope-utopia for queer retirement planning for elite broadcast empowering object-persons of interest with a soundtrack. Development of Iranian nuclear weapons will just take time, yek the public debt should be about 50 trillion dollars then, so that's the least of the concerns of forrent policy planners. [musical pathos, whining dog, crescendo and fading drums]


forward to' God Cosmology and Nothingness' (video)

My new book; 'God Cosmology and Nothingness' treats the issues of creation, the structure of the church, and end times. In my humble opinion, the regular church people largely are in error and 0 for 3 on accuracy. I make an effort to rectify the situation in the treatise.


Trump & Carson Don't Want Overnight MSNBC Debate (satire)

Donald Trump and Ben Carson apparently aren't willing to concede to MSNBC demands that the next Republican debate be extended to at least three hours. If it was good enough for Fidel Castro it ought to be good enough for Carson and Trump.

Trump remarkably also demands opening and closing statements by the candidates as if they had any sort of right whatsoever to disrupt the MSNBC narrative revealing Republicans as foes of all Democrat Party values, standards and protocols.

Chat is supposed to be social with broadcast media sucking up, empty promises and insinuations of kickbacks. Democrats have that sort of thing down pat, why should Trump and Carson want to get things done in a fair and expedient manner. They must be opposed to pillow fights and sleeping bags too.



Create New National Holiday; Native Heritage Day

Divisive racial forces have wanted to apply cultural revisionism to national holidays and symbols. The most recent is Columbus Day. Alaska's Governor has changed the day to Indignant People Day.

Christopher Columbus was one of the worlds great explorers of history who made one of the greatest changes to world history in discovering America. He was a sailor; an Italian sailor that revised the world map. Without doubt native peoples suffered subsequently in contact with people from the old world, yet attempting to erase that history is rather ostrich like.

It would be better to commemorate Native Heritage Day that would be an opportunity to honor first native Americans as well as all those that arrived later including sons and daughters of illegal aliens if they would denounce duel citizenship with Mexico. If one has a foot in another country simultaneously with being and American it is hard to say that one is a real native American.

I suggest the right day of the year should be in April-perhaps the 15th,o Americans have something t celebrate besides tax day and April Fools.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...