
Subjectivity and the Schrödinger Wave (function)

Here are my thoughts on the topic. The wavefunction could be a state of mind, of subjective experience, yet it might be a problem of the criterion, that is within an Everettian interpretation mind or experience moves through a multidimensional matrix. I think that is not entirely inconsistent with the Copenhagen interpretation epistemology viewing matter and energy through a glass darkly with partial certainty.

Wave-particle superposition is a paradigm of contemporary thought about how the quantum fields exist that could be inaccurate, so the Copenhagen paradigm could be incapable of determining what's what though useful in the standard model field for working with matter. That would comprise a philosophical and pragmatic difference of depth.

There are innumerable forms the fundamental field could be in to allow the appearance of quanta and space-time to exist along with faster-than-light distance interval transcendence. People naturally think of circles and spherical packing with a unitary field shaking or vibrating to emit one-dimensional membranes building up to large quanta. All that minimalist quanta remains tied into the the unitary field and might be regarded as complex illusions that are yet real for building up to a level where self-awareness occurs experiencing the steady state temporal field as real. Transcending experimentally to deeper micro levels through space-time to forms of quanta outside of time individually as quanta may let innumerable relativity breaking phenomenal observations to occur.

ISIS Presents Utilitarian Threat to Britain

ISIS head chopping video presented an implicit utilitarian threat to Britain and its homosexual marriage queendom recently. The Queen of England is technically head of the Church of England that must be apostate with its homosexual marriage social environment--at least the Queen has not been a notable opponent of making sin official U.K. policy. However the Footsie continues and England will always have a utilitarian threat from middle eastern Muslims that exemplify the pragmatic utility of terror against an impractical predatory pusillanimous state.


One naturally sympathizes with those whose heads were chopped yet not with the corrupt U.K. leadership that leads the way on godless atheism around the planet it would like to recolonize with doctrine in support of new age imperialism.

England should be more interested on colonizing worlds without sentient life that won't be harmed bite godless atheism it likes in its serpentine fashion than in making the U.S. a useless finance economy with corrupt deficit spending and vast balanced national debt looking to Prince Charlie for leadership over the youth knighthood states.

Trucks & Postal Service Evolution (video)

Natural Robotic Funkbrawl Space X Development League

One wonders if the American addiction to viewing full contact sports won't transition to real-world gaming of full contact robot football able to play old style with crack-back blocking and roughing the kicker. It could be that sometimes kickers need to be roughed to win a game. Perhaps robots will be drones operated by remote controlling players.

Team sports played by remote controlled robot operators would be a difficult intellectual challenge for the operators. It would also create a research and development utility for making improvements to the use of robotic controlled by humans directly in off-world environments. N.A.S.A. should consider becoming involved with a National Robot Football League. How useful would it be to have simple robots to move solar panels into the sunshine in lunar crater dwellings? I would think that knightly jousting might return when killing the opponent doesn't involve a biological fatality and just a mess of circuits and plastic reading a teleprompter's script.

Will the power brokers resist robotic football leagues and planetary exploration? Some people would expand mud-brick building economics for the next 1000 years with an unrealistic notion of expansion regarding environmental limits, many of those people are in the broadcast media, yet like drug addicts given a new drug, if adapted to new technologies and environmental rectification broadcast media bloviators will religiously support the new tech dope. It may be hard to believe the broadcast media would give up the Pharonic ideal of new improved bricks mini-mansions in comfort for-themselves with illicit, stupid broadcast prouder power that dies only when their dessicated corpses drop them off the deep end unto eternal punishment . Yet they shall give up persecuting the poor and homeless campers yearning to be free of the broadcast media's existence so they can live in a free society with equal opportunity when it becomes counter-productive for them to remange as existential threats and domestic ad hoc terrorists/organized crime above-the-law and legal remdies. No problem.

Whenever robot bodies increase their physicall skills, agility, durability and so forth their use in making repairs to the outside of space stations or in digging ditches or rescuing explorers on the moon, Mars, Venus or the undiscovered moons of the undiscovered giant planet X increase. Football is a very challenging and realistic field for making robot bodies that work, and that increase the efficiency, decrease the cost, improve the adaptability of the planetary and space exploration tools.

When grenade launchers putting out tennis balls are adapted to super-sized gold courses and when artificial scuba diving saltwater ecosystems are commercialized in northern locales the business of synthetic gaming will have taken another step forward into the twilight zone of games actualized in v.d.t.'s

Logic, Race & Class Consciousness (video)

Logic, Race & Class Consciousness (video)

Pragmatism , Utilitarianism and Taking a Poisoned Pawn En Passant

  The war in Ukraine, from the Biden-Blinken perspective, is necessary for two or three reasons of a dubious moral character. One is that fu...