
ISIS Presents Utilitarian Threat to Britain

ISIS head chopping video presented an implicit utilitarian threat to Britain and its homosexual marriage queendom recently. The Queen of England is technically head of the Church of England that must be apostate with its homosexual marriage social environment--at least the Queen has not been a notable opponent of making sin official U.K. policy. However the Footsie continues and England will always have a utilitarian threat from middle eastern Muslims that exemplify the pragmatic utility of terror against an impractical predatory pusillanimous state.


One naturally sympathizes with those whose heads were chopped yet not with the corrupt U.K. leadership that leads the way on godless atheism around the planet it would like to recolonize with doctrine in support of new age imperialism.

England should be more interested on colonizing worlds without sentient life that won't be harmed bite godless atheism it likes in its serpentine fashion than in making the U.S. a useless finance economy with corrupt deficit spending and vast balanced national debt looking to Prince Charlie for leadership over the youth knighthood states.

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