
Is Donald Trump The Candidate Most Like Ronald Reagan?

Many bureaucrat-corporate mole style Republicans obviously are opposed to the Trump candidacy because it might not simply foist more of the same old Republicrat politics that have made federal employment and large banks sinecures for the connected. While it is true that Iran just sportfully played catch and release with ten U.S.navy sailors perhaps wishing not to be contaminated with the gay marriage friendly fellows and that approach is what some of the left wanted, the U.S.A. is basically over-extended financially with too much debt, interest on the debt and policies that phase out the political philosophy of the founders with new age Islam, corporatism, globalism and basic amoral socialization. Trump appears more basic than that with American values and the courage to say what he thinks.

President Obama has given the rich and corporations more wealth and power than they could have thought possibly. Trump has a more moderate tax policy than Obama's complete leadership to make the Bush II deep tax cuts permanent. Democrats seem to just want what they want right now-instant gratification, and used the nuclear option to force through Obama care. That fundamental change that lets a simply one vote majority pass major legislation was the Democrat legacy that will change America's future substantially. It is ironic that Democrats build policies that result in movement toward tyranny, autocracy, corporatism or whatever. Aristotle thought democracy hasn't much wisdom-perhaps that is so.

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