
V.P. Biden Saber Rattling With Turkey on Syria

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden wishing to sound fair and balanced as an unbiased Democrat observer on the Syrian civil war reportedly said the United States is prepared to accelerate war on Syria with help from Turkey if it can't get what it wants in the negotiated political settlement talks on-going. The close Obama administration partnership with Turkey on intimidating Syria to annex another nation to the new world order appears potential unfair to the Kurdish fighters in the region whom are overwhelmingly more deserving of a synthetic new state than Turkey-the former imperial power in the region.


It would be far better if President Obama in his lame duck year were to focus on getting Texans to innovate constructing artificial mountain range condominiums north of Dallas to create 3x the surface area when making housing instead of just closing off all surface area. Artificial mountain range housing developments can create new ecosphere for wildlife and have far better interior hanging garden/saltwater evaporation and fresh water making condensation values foe mariculture than asphalt beshingled stick frame housing developments.

Plainly the President should be finding ways to extend the Dallas Orange light rail line to Tulsa-yet the jewels of Syria call I suppose.

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