
Megyn Kelly Upstaged Presidential Debate

Though affirmative action stars regard their class interests as more important than those of the nation, or at least feel their class self-interests the sole meaningful politics, it is unfortunate when broadcast media people like Megyn Kelly become the issue rather than the candidates interacting amongst themselves for the benefit of the voters.

If Fox were responsible it could have used a public domain text speech synthesizer read the debate questions. The questions could have been selected with approval from the candidates as juries are selected with each side free to disqualify a few, and when the candidates time was up the microphones should go silent. 

The public then watches the spectacle, along with the Megyn Kellys of the world.

Fox's making an entertainment event of the debate is in a way an assertion of the hegemony the broadcast media has over the political process...it wants someone corrupted good enough for corporatism and the new world order.

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