
Ugly Face of Brit Imperialism Considers Ban on Donald Trump from U.K.

Free speech is the heart of democracy. Free personal and political discourse reinforces self-determination and social and cultural determination free of tyranny. There are numerous ways to put free speech down. Direct hate speech such as calling someone a bigot if they refer to race interests is one way repression works. The government has been creating special racial classes and taking race census questions my entire adult life-even going to far as create a category of hate crimes wherein special racial and sexual perversion classes are given extra legal protections. It is thus possible to segregate excluded classes with the via negativa.

That the British parliament will soon debate if they should exclude Donald Trump-potentially America's next President, from the U.K. is an example of the battle that the founders waged to free the people of the United States from British tyranny. It is ironic that the class of people that formed the United States through blood, philosophy and faith are the class receiving de facto negative action while those benefiting from the constitution they created advance.


Well, racial and demographic justice are perennial liberal concerns. Not those of modern liberalism that is concerned with ingratiating themselves with global corporatists and demoting the founder racial and gender class in the U.S.A. They are the concerns of the liberal founders of the United States of America that revolted against British imperialism.

Imperialism today is as much of a danger to democracy in the United States as globalism and mass foreign immigration. Britain's economic imperialism through the financial sector was designed to replace the lost British colonial empire that withered away in the 1960s. Bill Clinton was a kind of prototype Rhodes Scholar trained to advance British interests in the United States that often coincide with those of Bidlerberger style plutocrats.

In some senses the use of ante-bellum and Jim Crowe era civil rights logic to repress ordinary free speech and cultural concerns for the conservation of the United States and the environment is an H.I.V. auto-immune suppression of national independence in favor of globalism and tyranny. Blacks, whites, and others have real racial interests and historical evolutions that need to be mentioned now and then. Apollonius' Letter to the Hebrews wasn't racist simply because it had a particular target audience, neither was Aquinus' Summa Contra Gentiles a racial diatribe. It is important to recognize that race identity is still important in world political affairs. Now and then political rewards and penalties are given to belonging to a particular racial group such as in affirmative or African action today. If the government gave a particular cash benefit for claiming to be a negro such as a reservation condo with a fully stocked refrigerator there wopuld be those offering evidence that 50 generations ago one of their ancestors procreated with an African and they are thus entitled today though they don't look black. Alternatively, swollen beneficiaries of government racial positive bias may be abusive of those that write of concerns of white people in America-such as that when hispanics take over demographically poor white people cannot easily get hired, if at all, by hispanics to work. Of course that is better than the ancient concerns of the 19th century of being eaten or made a slave. Minorities-including white minorities, need be concerned about being exploited even today in this nearing perfection world (only kidding).

Society has changed a lot since Rowe vs. Wade. The music of that generation had many nuances that have faded yet remain exemplary of the relational anisotropy of gender and the influence of government.

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