
Integration, Disintegration and Equilibrium

I watched a physics video primer on equilibrium the other day and it made me think about the way basic chemical and molecular forms change in the context of larger systems. Equilibrium is a more or less balanced state of multi-component systems including space as a component in distinction to being. Change of a balanced state of equilibrium involves disintegration of that state and integration to another.

The parameters of chemical equilibrium may be analogous to larger systems comprising the entire universe as well as to language and social concepts about the nature of change and condition of the economic infrastructure of any given system. Space-time change is itself an integration of the complete complex to construct compresence while disintegrating the past simultaneously. Change of space-time itself means disintegration as well as integration. Humans may try to form a changeless social milieu, such as existed in ancient Egypt, and conservation is not always bad-especially if in a lifeboat. Life is a process of change even while some spiritual things and forms remain the same.

There are open and closed systems with relative states of equilibrium. Space-time evolution or change of physical systems along a time axis, with time being a subjective measurement of the systemic change, involves the disintegration of an existing comparative equilibrium and the integration of new components or component relationships toward a new equilibrium.  That new equilibrium is a status quo that is changed or evolved with additional disintegration of existing forms and relationships  through integration of new components.

Obviously with integration being a change of disintegration of an existing equilibrium the effect upon terms of political correctness can integrate new ideas that potentially may disintegrate a status quo-not invariably and undesirable evolution, yet neither a necessarily positive change.

Besides the onerous recognition that sometimes needs to be given to warriors of political correctness, the evolution of ideas to philosophically adapt them to correctly appreciate the nature of physical systems is positive, especially as one recognizes the boundaries for validity of the idea lexicons of equilibrium, integrating and disintegrating concepts.

If the steady state field of material built upon field quanta is over-all in a state of equilibrium gradually transitioning to a lower state of energy, there is a possibility that the entire field is a spiritual creation of God phenomenally given fundamental field values and laws of order. Spirit precedes membranes or monads of one-dimension that arise as ordered field wave fragments.

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