
Hunting Seasons for Cattle on U.S. Public Lands?

Public lands of the U.S. Government should have some hunting opportunities for all non-human life on them unless they are a threatened species, an endangered species., or a specific population is necessary for maintaining balanced ecospheric health. Cattle on public lands unless an endangered species should be declared public domain and given over to regular game management for hunters.

Public ranging cattle could comprise a health threat to homeless people as blood media repositories of West Nile virus and other communicable diseases. Vast herds of domesticated bovines may be blood swamps of disease, and the owners including the public should be held accountable. Hunting down the cattle on public lands should be a priority of the center for disease control in Atlanta. Any cattle allowed to exist as an endangering to human health species should be carefully screened annually and certified as disease-free before being released as eligible for hunting season.

Much of the debate about the right of royal prerogative for elite ranchers to run cattle on public land for free forage neglects the existential facts of life; all animals on public lands are in the public domain and subject to federal management. Hence the public has a right to hunt free ranging cattle on public lands in regular hunting order. Fall hunting season should include the harvest of reasonable numbers of non-endangered species cattle in time for thanksgiving dinner.

Cattle that inadvertently stray or are misled from private land to the public should be given a grace period of 2 or 3 days to leave the hunting ground. With the tracking chips implanted in cattle there is little excuse for their presence upon public land unless they too wish to take their chances in the wild rather than meet certain death after a brief life of 2 or 3 years of being prepped for harvest.

In order to help pay off the U.S. public debt and provide meat for hamburgers of the poor yearning for barbecue a cattle hunting permit should be sold for about $100. maintaining a reasonable cattle population to keep a hunting season viable isn't a required tasks for the government, yet since there is presently an adequate cattle supply it is an opportunity for the government to serve the public rather than special, ersatz royal interests.

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