
Paul Nehlen May Beat Paul Ryan in Republican Primary

Insiders may be short selling Paul Ryan futures. Speaker Paul Ryan, like Speaker Tom Foley, may be a short lived Speaker of the House. In Washington State Tom Foley lost re-election while at the top of the ladder and the prospects for history repeating itself-this time in Wisconsin, look good. A businessman Tea Party guy named Paul Nehlen is getting stronger in the Republican primary race.
Ryan is looking weaker by the day as he is more concerned with global financial opportunities for Wall Street than good environmentally innovative jobs for the people of Wisconsin.

Obama Apparently Ransomed Prisoners of Iran for $400 Million

Four prisoners held by Iran were released when President Obama sent $400 million on a jet to Tehran. The White House says the money was part of a settlement for an ancient hostage crisis or something like that. The President might have decided the U.S.A. owes Iran $2 billion dollars for room and board for the hostages held in the 1979 embassy takeover-I am just not sure and am guessing here.

Plainly the timing was that of paying ransom to terrorists. Really though I think the President just likes Iran a lot and would like to buy a condo there next year.


Shouldn't France Be Booted Out of N.A.T.O.

France quit N.A.T.O. during the cold war and didn't rejoin until 2009 when it was again safe. With President Obama elected they could expand their squishy policies and rot N.A.T.O. from within. As a slightly smaller organization N.A.T.O. was more effective.


Political Gestalt of the Fractured Global Era

Notably all of the major political theory systems were constructed before the electronic era. Even the major economic systems were invented before the first generator was sold. In the post-industrial age such as has overtaken much of first-world civilization political theory is lacking. Power structures tend to evolve toward concentrations globally and ordinary people follow along. Its theoretical foundation is a posteriori.

While the global economy is integrating through communication and consumption, production, supply, demand and marketing environmental overuse and abuse collaterally, inimically grow too. Environmental degradation is a growth stock over the long run.

Much of the political argument in the United States and elsewhere centers upon nationalism and self-determination versus globalism, concentrated power and corporatism or socialism. All of that misses the perspective as humanity as a bacterium in a petri dish burning up its finite nutrient allotment. The limits of growth due to entropy and resource exhaustion can be set back through technological innovation yet the political will to accomplish minimal waste and maximum efficiency in production is absent from anyone’s political party agenda.

Interestingly some believe along the lines of Tegmark's Level 4 Multiverse concerning the creation and change. Theology and cosmology in the field of theoretical physics draw together quite well in that every possible Universe does exist in the mind of God and in reality too. Necessarily God creates every possible Universe compresently and never destroys anything. The past and future always exist in a level 4 Multiverse and select theological ideas about God. It is just the conscious human spirit that travels through these stack multiverse creations in every possible moment of the existence of any Universe. For Christians God has created human conscious spirit to sojourn through the experience of being as a prep school for eternal existence with God. Those unsaved will have a peripheral eternity without God that would necessarily be an eternal hell since the maintenance would be likely to be rather poor.

Does the fact that the entire Universe and Multiverse along with every human spirit is predetermined have any impact on the global and national economy and its inefficient regard for the Earth's ecosphere-primarily it does in the sense that the human spirit has every reason to act responsibly and intelligently rather than being an empirical hedonist indifferent to the decay of life on Earth.

The human species is always trying to grow and expand yet not at all well in political, ecospheric and philosophical intelligence. To surpass the limits of the petri dish nature of human development and sprawl humanity must master the art of planetary ecosphere science and technology and demonstrate that it can build thriving ecospheres off world-such as on the Moon, Mars etc. before it can have some assurance that it isn’t just deluding itself over an ability to repair the damage it has done to the Earth ecosphere that sustains it.

Khizr Khan's Son Would Be Living if Trump's Ban on Muslims Existed Before 911

Someone should have pointed out that Khizr Khan's Democrat Party convention speech lacked rhyme or reason. The logic is that with a pre-911 ban on most or all Muslim immigration-perhaps with an exception for specially investigated and safe Muslims, none of the Muslim hijackers would have made it to the U.S.A. to train or hijack a jet to crash into the WTC and Pentagon. They nearly took down the White House too. Without any of that G.W. Bush would not have been able to get the Iraq war started easily and there would have been no war to send a Captain Khan too, if Khizr Khan even lived in the U.S.A. instead of Pakistan.

Khan should have been praising Donald trump instead of denouncing him. Democrats should have been intelligent enough to recognize the silliness of Khan's D.N.C. speech before he took the stage to through b.s. into the American political psyche. The Democrats are on the warpath though. President Obama made the most uncivil comment about a Presidential candidate in the past century I think in saying that Trump is unfit for office. Mr. Obama really has a high opinion of himself...many Americans believe that of him as well as both Clintons too.



Hillary Hired Gold Star Family for Political Hack Attack

The idea that gold star families-those with a war dead family member (in U.S. uniform)-are free to make any sort of political hack attack on any public forum free from response by their target is foreign to me. I grew up the son of a generation with more than 400,000 war dead 'gold star' families. With a national population of about 120 million during the second World War everyone knew someone who had a family member killed in war and no one thought any of those families were free to make political hack attacks with impunity.

With a volunteer military and comparatively few Americans killed in war some have elevated those families to a new level where they are free to make political hack attacks and not expect criticism for it. That's a wrong direction to go. People respect the service member's sacrifice but his family hasn't any right to expect to be able to meddle in politics as some sort of sacred cow.

Khazr Khan's DNC speech premise was that if Donald Trump's ban on Muslim immigrants had been in effect when he made his way to the U.S.A. to attend a Harvard Graduate School his son would never have been an Army officer and been killed in Iraq defending against Muslim terrorists. Yet if Trump's policy had been in effect none of the 911 Muslims that took down the World Trade Towers would have been able to learn to fly jets in America nor hijacked planes from Boston to crash into N.Y.-it was all b.s.


Khan's Speech Was a Corrupt, Dishonorable Cheap Shot at Trump

Khizr Khan's Democrat National Convention speech was a corrupt cheap shot at Donald Trump that dishonored his own son's death in war. His son may have died honorably however Khizr Khan's speech was dishonorable. It was nothing more than a partisan political and religious attack on the Republican candidate who has said he would stop Muslim immigration to the U.S.A. for a while until better security can be innovated. Khan was an effective mouthpiece for Al Qaeda and ISIS that would like to flood the U.S.A. with 'patriots with undivided loyalties if they could in order to destroy all those other than Muslims.

Trump hasn't criticized dead military people including Khan's son. Khizr Khan's was a plain partisan attack to push up Zillary and Islam over his son's dead body. The military used to be without color in the ranks-or even religion. Muslims and Democrat apparatchiks try to change that. Khizr Khan attending a Harvard Graduate School after migrating to the U.S.A.-oh, the sacrifice of first generation Harvard alumni! Some of us old guys couldn't get into the military during that era of $24,000 for a private e-1 in Iraq or Afghanistan and suffered the privations of a rotten economy caused by Clinton deregulation, Muslim terror and former Harvard President Larry Summers’ economic advice. Trump hasn't proposed banning Buddhists from immigrating to the U.S.A. because they have a non-Christian foreign religion. If they had made casualties of a million Americans the past 15 years though, as Muslims have, I  think he would.

Khizr Khan's son was an Army captain, not serving in the ranks. He won a Bronze Star for walking ten feet to a taxi at a checkpoint and being blown up. True it was a personal sacrifice, yet rank has not only privileges, it has duties. Many would have given a lot to be an Army officer rather than an E-1.

Was Trump Towers affected by the World Trade Center attacks financially? If so the sacrifices New Yorkers made were forced upon them by Muslims and Saudi Arabian ideologies.

Hillary Clinton in 1944 probably would have had German and Japanese gold star parents rise as convention speakers attacking the Republican candidate for wanting to stop immigration of Germans and Japanese until better security was innovated.

Khan exemplifies those new arrivals that have no fundamental American historical understanding behind them. Muslims have implicit divided loyalties praying five times a day facing Mecca etc. That isn't ' Khan should not have exploited his son's sacrifice for cheap partisan politics because Trump gored his desire to bring more Muslims to the U.S.A.  Maybe the Harvard clique put him up to it-win another one for the skull and bones.

Some veterans groups and politicians have criticized Trump for reacting to the Democrat national Convention speech. They say a 'gold star' family (that seems a trivializing term in a way)-one who has lost a relative in war, is sacred and nothing can be said badly about them-and that is bunk. if it were so any politician could hire those family members to do their political hatchet jobs and the sacred families could continue to wander like cattle in India through the political world. People respect those families that have contributed to national defense especially with their lives, yet the families of those people have no right to expect to have the free speech power of dictators of politics that none can respond to.

Nothing is sacred about political speech. There is a political battle in progress presently between Zillary and Donald to determine who will be in effect one branch of government. Not gold star families or any other has a right to affect that process and expect people to be silent about the matter. People care about who rules a branch of government. In Pakistan they are more used to I.S.I. and military powers able to use condign measures in some cases covertly to silence opposition if not Lashkar-e-Taiba or another extreme Muslim terrorist organizations.

Even Muslims have to accept the political free will of people to implement policies for the public good. Muslims have killed more than 10,000 Americans the past two decades...many of them civilians. More than a million Americans casualties occurred in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. Only lunatics would want more dumped into this nation soon .

Pragmatism , Utilitarianism and Taking a Poisoned Pawn En Passant

  The war in Ukraine, from the Biden-Blinken perspective, is necessary for two or three reasons of a dubious moral character. One is that fu...