
Are Gulf Coast Evac Plans Ready for Another Hurricane or Two?

President Trump and F.E.M.A, probably have some plans in place in the event that Irma and another following storm likely to develop into a hurricane hit the Gulf Coast. Really there should be a coastal monorail made on concrete to evacuate people to Dallas, Shreveport and Atlanta that runs paralell along the length of the Gulf Coast maybe 20 miles inland.

One could demand more forward thinking building design planning for a global warming era, yet that would be too much to expect. Concrete domes built up on concrete piers ten feet with an aerodynamic wind-tunnel design made to withstand 200 m.p.h. winds from tornadoes or hurricanes wouldn't hurt. I wroteon the same topics after Katrina...nothing really changes.

image credit N.O.A.A.
cone graphic

image via wikipedia-public domain

Blitz Chess (3m) King's Pawn Opening Owen Defense

I played black in this game.

Bobby Fischer's Secret Online Match vs Nigel Short in 2000

A Utilitarian Argument for Atomic War on North Korea

The world economy is physically interrelated; if it stops because of North Korean nuclear attacks as many as a billion people could die in a worst case scenario. North Korea has never signed off to end the 1950s war and an uneasy state of armistice has prevailed since. North Korea has methodically sought to build a nuclear weapon capacity while in a belligerent status. Because the weapons and missiles have matured to fruition, North Korea today comprises a grave threat to powers beyond the Korean peninsula.

A utilitarian argument for pre-emptive nuclear war to terminate Dictator Kim Jong Un’s nuclear capacity must show that the greater good for ending the nuclear power of North Korea justifies war. And that the greater evil lay in lower giving North Korea and opportunity to launch nuclear missiles on Tokyo (directly and indirectly dead to to economic and radiological disruption 25 million), and several U.S. cities as well as Seoul.


If a few U.S. cities were to be nuked the national economy would collapse. U.S. economic leadership has proven itself remarkably incapable of making recoveries from disasters that create better infrastructure than before. Tremendous economic costs are absorbed an unrealistically charged on a credit card while empowering the rich with zero-interest loans. Chinese business would suffer directly from U.S. economic collapse.

In a worst case, if Tokyo, Beijing , Moscow and Washington were nuked perhaps a billion people around the world would die through disease and famine created by economic and social dislocation as well as the comparatively minor sum of direct nuclear casualties. Allowing the Dictator of North Korea the opportunity to decide forever when or who he will nuke with hydrogen bombs on ICBMs is unthinkably dopey. Before President Bill Clinton subverted the foundations for long term post-cold war peaceful relations with Russia, the United States would not have regarded hydrogen bombs in the hands of someone that might use them as somthing simply to ignore.

A utilitarian argument would run that with a U.S. war to end North Korean nuclear capability the maximum casualties probable one million, with as few as 250,000 possible at a minimum. The maximum number of casualties from a war started by North Korea in the next decade at a time of its own selection is one billion. The greater good utility plainly is on the side of nuking North Korea now rather than later in a reactive criterion.

The United States has several hundred very small bunker-buster nuclear bombs that can be air drooped or launched perhaps, on tomahawk missiles. Fifty of those launched simultaneous with thousands of conventional tomahawk warheads along with air assault, torpedoes and perhaps a couple of tactical nuclear weapons and an air assault with various carper bombing should stop the majority of the North Korea missile threat.

Japan may need to defend with anti-ballistic missiles presently against a few North Korean missiles. That scenario grows increasingly worse regarding survival in the years ahead with a North Korean short-range missile build-up. To wait to launch war to end regime of Dictator Un in effect brings Japan to a state of near-certain doom, and that is not moral for a nation that has taken Japanese protection as its own.

Since the United States has taken a turn toward godless atheism, homosexual marriage and dope in recent years it is challenging to make a Christian moral argument against war. War is sometimes- as in this case- comparable to self-defense against an eminent threat. With nuclear launch windows so narrow it is not reasonable to wait, like the Israelis did before launching the 1972 Yom Kippur war, until intelligence provides data that the enemy is about to launch an offensive campaign.

The left may believe it moral to give up objective political analysis and pursue an existential agenda where nothing matters objectively. Political analysis that is objective on the contrary is requisite for the existence of democracy in a non-democratic world where wealth and power are increasingly concentrated. Military reality matters too. One is not assured of peace and prosperity of one simple ignores objective military threats and the risk they pose. For the American left to discount the very real threat to Tokyo and the U.S.A. is not a morally defensible position. The United States certainly cannot be the world’s policeman if, for reasons of corruption, it will not even defend itself.

Blitz (3m) King's Gambit Declined; Petrov Defense

 Some don't like the King's Gambit these days, yet some GMs still play it-for example, Nigel Short. Like any opening if one plays it enough and learns enough of the common attacks upon it, it still works. It leads to many unexpected positions on the board. Besides, it's a lot of fun to play for club players on-line with irregular internet speed. I played white in this game.

Canada Attacks U.S.RIght-to-Work

The Canadian government has seized the moment of the Houston hurricane debacle to attack and demand the end of U.S. right to work laws in the American states that has it.  Canada light Britain wants global control of American workers. They seek to make of them subjects of her majestic and aristocratic union under plutocratic power. Canadian PM Truedeau may find sympathy with Texas governor Abbot who just let in hordes of Mexican relief workers to do the work he must believe Americans are incapable of. 

Mexico is not a rich nation and should keep its relief ops for its own citizens. Canada is something of a political pimp nation seeking to make America dependent on the dope of political powerlessness that the corrupt experience as they let themselves become dominated by globalists. Globalists fundamentally do not support national democracy in the United States with sovereign borders and little wiggle room for the corrupt. Americans need the right to work and to have relief from a dystopian commune of corporate unionism.

Instead, like traditionally corrupt nations that rely on default politics to corruption, corruption shapes political and social development rather than democracy, logic and self-determination. The left believe that existential corruption makes a better world. It doesn't.

Canada is a rathert sheltered northern country without tens of millions of illegal aliens surging into it to take jobs. In comparative isolation it is easier for advanced nations to have unionism. Yet the strong unionism is broken by cheap labor and especially surplus labor from foreign nations that work illegally. Like California with two different economic labor forces (one is illegal), and tow different wage scales, Canada has a different labor and wage scale than the United States and Mexico. The United States cannot afford force unionism upon workers and employers with an already large illegal work force; ordinary Americans would then not have jobs. PM Trudeau's demand is an attack on poordinary Americans.

U.S.-Russian Moon Base Beat Down of ‘Deviant Hooliganism’

Deviant hooliganism is the worst kind. The Russian deputy foreign minister said that is what informs American closure of its San Francisco consulate. Plainly it was a drastic and rude measure of the sort that Iranians did during the Carter administration except for one possible excuse. The Trump administration may have closed it because of the chance that its electronic surveillance capability was of help to the North Korean nuclear terror development program.

Closing the Russian information base was more of a reflection on North Korean than Russian policy. If the United States is to go to war and perhaps use its new micro-nukes to hose down North Korean nuclear weeds with anti-existence liberally the closing the Russian intel base in San Francisco was probably a first step.

The world war 2 generation of tough minded U.S. politicians is gone and a pusillanimous gang of globalist, plutocratic serving dopers have followed and Dictator Kim and quite a few others believe they only beat up on easy prey and leave the tough cases alone. He may be right, and the media certainly hate President Trump and want a Euro and Asia butt kissing twit to lead again. The question about President Trump’s willingness to erase Kim Un’s government as swiftly and thoroughly as possible is yet to be demonstrated. It is certain that if he does not the U.S. will have an open door to its economic and partial physical destruction growing by the day, indefinitely.

What might help rebuild trust with Russia would be the start of a joint moon scientific and industrial-agricultural research base on the moon. Practical lunar development plans have never arisen from N.A.S.A. since Apollo ended in 1972. Anything with Russia is unlikely to go forward while North Korea is building hydrogen bombs and ICBMs though since Russia is regarded loosely as a fellow traveling co-conspirator.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...