
Pre-Universe Ball-Shaped DImension

 A ball shaped dimension received a 0 dimension singularity- mass-energy went through ball for split second (hyperinflaton), 

One field-mass-energy stretched over ball. Surface-tension is 4-dimensional space-time. Then was stuck on surface. Ball dimension surges through mass-energy surface tension- dark energy.


Nakamura vs Crafty 2007 (video)

Zillary Knows Trump Assos Helped Russians Influence Election on Tentaclebook

Zillary Westwood knows that Trump associates coached Russians on how to influence the election via advertisements and fake news on Tentaclebook and said so on her book tour da triomphe.

This rare dumbo octopus (Cirrothauma murrayi) is often called the Blind Octopod due to the lack of a lens and reduced retina in its eyes. Its eyes can really only detect light and cannot form images.

Stephen Hawking has directed a breakthrough initiative to contact extra-terrestrials and received signals bearing a remarkable resemblance to the Cyrillic alphabet.  http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=10675

Climate change skeptics that disavowed the election result influence by aliens and went out to the Trappist Star system to look for themselves into the prestigious alien netweb construct Tentaclebook discovered that alien influence does not exist.

Where does that leave the Congress investigating Russian influence on extra-terrestrial signals to the electorate? Lost in space for the present, when the other shoe drops and reality checks and balances follow campaign soirĂ©e-pac events, the federal reserve will make up the difference.

*images created by N.O.A.A. and N.A.S.A.

  The Trappist Planets


What is the Congressional History of Condemning Civil Political Opponents?

Recently the Congress passed a resolution condemning ‘white nationalists’. On its face it means condemning all white people that are patriots or nationalists. It's o.k. apparently for the nation of Islam to exist without condemnation, or for black nationalists to exist- or even Mexican nationalists that want to annex the U.S.A. onto Mexico. The law should be color-blind on behavior and never condemn anyone for race, religion or political opinion. The Congress shouldn’t act as collectivist demagogues.

One wonders what the history is of the U..S. government condemning citizens for having antipathetic political opinion that do not comprise sedition? When it goes that far it is fine to call out the Federal Marshals, yet the democracy of free people with equal protection of the law isn’t a place to condemn, white people or any other race. Neither is it a place that should tolerate condemning any political group extra-legally beyond the objective criminal codes that apply to all individuals at any time. Congress didn’t condemn black rioters in Missouri during the Obama administration. It should just condemn movements that don’t obey its laws if it must be redundant for pr purposes.

Far-right and far-left extremists have always been a part of the United States without causing significant damage to national interests. Of course the McCarthy era purged communist infiltrators from government and Hollywood so far as possible, yet that should be no example for the government to follow now. Sure there was racism historically on all sides for a number of reasons, yet there were all people that supported the concept of a nation where all people could live under God as of equal worth.

The United States is in an era where democratic politics and the 1% of corporate wealth tend strongly to support globalism and the destruction of the integrity of the United States as a nation. The black power movement goes beyond seeking equality in all social things and beyond to the destruction of the nation and whatever white establishment remains in order to promote themselves.

The language does matter. Short after the Supreme Court legalized homosexual marriage the Congress ended no child left behind and replaced it with 'every child succeeds'. The Mayoor of Seattle- a leader in the homosexual marriage movement,  just quite after several allegations of molestation of male children surfaced. Congress understands the symbolic consequences of its language.

President Trump does not need to support the invasion of the United States by Mexican illegal immigration nor the outsourcing of jobs to China. Looking out for the interests of all the people of the nation impartially is his right. And he doesn’t need to sign off on the ambiguous phrase of ‘white nationalists’ in order to prove he is working for equal protection of the law. The movement to condemn the historical United States as a white nation of Christians in order to promote people that feel they were second class citizens is misguided. So many white Americans lived and died working to create social equality and liberty for all in the United States. The high-power anti-white racism is not leading in a good direction.

Keeping the nation divided at all times over race is a device used by globalists to take down the nation of all citizens.

On BS in the Media

W.V.O. Quine, the philosopher, published a book titled 'Word and Object'. Words obviously differ from objects, hence there is no precise description of anything that is exhaustive or comprehensive of possible descriptions of what it is- not even of a zero-dimensional singularity.
Andy Warhol could paint a tomato soup can accurately, yet try to write about a can of coke-in-itself... ie 
Intentional words strings are implicitly analogous of that perceived. Observer bias effects every report, yet words have practical value of communicating information, so valued reports are more worth reading than those that are just entertaining. People will want to pay more for better, more accurate information as always. For now they tend to over-rely on video. It is the accompanying words that are the problem. Broadcast media may not use complete bs- they may just toss in 5% bs for spicing up public interest and narrative.
An argumentative, litigious society concerned less with creating a better society and more with going forward in private interests with law as a kind of fender obviously would attract a lot of bs to desynchronize macro-social control. The positive should be accentuated rather than the negative.

NK DIctator Promises 'Greatest Pain' for Sanctions- Hillary 2020?

North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un has promised the U.S. would receive 'the greatet pain' for sanctions imposed by the UN even though many Chinese companies sell on ebay. China may have already imposed partial retaliatoryt sanctions on the U.S. ordering its China e-bay sellers not to accept paypal from U.S. orders.

 The threat may have been a Jungian leak that Hillary will run again in 2020. It is plain the Dictator's hydrogen bomb and ICBM threat is a great problem for DC being taken almost as seriously as the greater danger that oil sales might be cut off to North Korea or anyplace else on Earth.

A Few Free E-Books of Mine

Pragmatism , Utilitarianism and Taking a Poisoned Pawn En Passant

  The war in Ukraine, from the Biden-Blinken perspective, is necessary for two or three reasons of a dubious moral character. One is that fu...