
To Combat Global Warming Put 500% Tariff on Foreign Car Imports

Europeans have rightly pointed out that global warming is really serious. President Trump should put a 500% tariff on foreign car imports to help slow the destruction of the healthy atmosphere. Europeans could help by stopping driving cars of any kind. European bison could use the abandoned autobahns as green corridors for 'kissing' with distant herds.


The Better Health Care Safety Net Still Is to Expand VA and Homeless Clinic Networks

It is those without medical care and that cannot afford it that need medical care in the U.S.A. The best way to create a safety newt for those individuals is to expand the V,A, hospital system and unite it with the nation's homeless clinics to cover tens of millions of poor and veteran Americans directly. Elon Musk's hypertubes could be installed to links remote areas to hospitals. It is simply the most efficient system that the government and politicians generally cannot face up to.

Science Fiction Novel - Free Download

The Universal Widget - In the Realm of Forms, is another novel wrote in Alaska. It's free.



Is the Southern Poverty Law Center Now an Extremist Organization?

I wonder about the Southern Poverty Law Center being an extremist organization using words and target listings of individuals in the attempt to socially marginalize them. Alex Jones, Bo Gritz and Gary Demar all made the list with Alex Jones being listed first on the list of 129 extremist individuals. American individuals should be free from organizational social terrorism.

Sure the Southern Poverty Law Center includes numerous people that probably deserve being listed, yet I suppose they also omit numerous people and  organizations including ANTIFA, because they are leftist or communist.

Alex Jones reports on an important side of current events and social structure the establishment usually ignores. The 1% concentrating wealth is not an illusion. The Democrat Party is deaf, dumb, blind and stupid these days in working as hard as they can to destroy the heritage of national independence and self-reliance so far as possible. They are shop stewards working for the rich as leaders of a company-owned union. The broadcast media is owned by that 1% establishment- it isn't imaginary.

A good Canadian philosopher named John Sauls published a book on corporatism in contemporary society in 1999 named The Unconscious Civilization. I don't believe he has written another book on that topic since. I recall him writing someplace that he had a family to take care of. Corporatism can shut anything down just like Muslim theocracy, imperialism and communism can.


https://www.cnbc.com/2018/08/06/apple-pulls-alex-jones-infowars-podcasts-for-hate-speech.html  Apple the Trillion dollar corporation removed most of Alex Jones' podcasts; that's corporatism at work and a reason why the government should have some kind of citizen back-up venue to let publishing remain permanently even when public corporate platforms disappear.

SPLC appears to have left a semblance of neutrality and objectivity these days being so far removed from the 1960s and later when there were actually numerous groups perping violence that required tracking. SPLC could include CNN and the Washington Post these days and possible the Governor of New York on the list of extremists if they wanted to be objective. Throwing in powerful political bullshit in with the genuine articles degrades the credibility and reputation of SPLC. They aren't Elie Wiesel Inc.

Impact of Trade War on Chinese Search Pay Per Click (PPC)

PPC means pay per click. The Chinese government has already suggested that pay per click promotion be limited to 30% of search engine page results for search engines like Baidu.
While Facebook recently avoided being skunked entirely in China by buying up a local proxy, it remains largely outside the vast left-wing Chinese market. China has required that foreign corporations establishing in China allow the state to own a 51% share. I don’t know how that would work with Multi-national corporations and/or Internet corporations like Facebook. Mr. Zuckerberg already has a Chinese wife who may be his better, 51% half. Maybe that counts.
Foreign search engines working in China might need to sell half of their shares to China and then allow government censorship of content as well as full access to the company database as majority shareholders. I think the sanctions or trade tariffs of the trade war will have little effect on long term trends on capitalists of the west’s tendencies to sell Communists the ropes to hang them with.


Communist-Anarchist Antifa in Portland

Ad hoc Communist-anarchist gangsters in Portland (not the broadcast media) along with other opponents of free speech and civil rights for others besides themselves harassed and tried to intimidate a peaceful street-conservative rally. People lawfully assembled should be free to march or meet without abuse from masked goons. The United States tolerates dissent and free expression of dissent. Antifa, imperialists, corporatists and Democrat Party affiliates try to suppress it.

Antifa are willing tools of global imperialism and the most rich. The people they conflict with are mostly the poor and lower middle class. Those people are the second generation of poor and middle class white guys that have been socially and economically degraded by federal laws including affirmative action for females, non-whites and homos, and by loose border security that has flooded the nation with illegal workers undermining domestic labor. Those people have been kicked around for nearly 50 years and encounter the results of affirmative action on the street. Some of those people inevitably will peacefully assemble to express dissatisfaction, having few political alternatives with a Democrat party become a British imperialist treason annex.

Antifa is not protesting the concentration of wealth; they are simply idiotic goon-tools attacking Americans. A video of Alex Jones' Infowars captured some of the misdemeanor.

Nothing Surprising About Euro Reaction to President Trump

One would need great expectations to be surprised by the Euro leadership attitude toward President Trump. The world is full of those seeking to dominate and lever against the U.S.A. whatsoever way they can. George Washington in his farewell address notably warned against making permanent foreign alliances. Bill Clinton attended Oxford and has acted like a British tool since. The Brits like their own devices and Donald Trump isn’t one

Europeans expected another Muslim and immigrant promoting neo-leftist to be elected. One in the mold of Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton who would feel like they were detached from nationalism and were world citizens benefiting foreign economies and themselves instead of Americans. Euros were aghast at the election of the movie star of crass capitalism and have hated Donald Trump since.

There isn’t anything surprising about U.S. allies- whoever those are, that diss the President of the United States. Donald Trump seems as patriotic as Theodore Roosevelt and enjoys mixing it up.

Sure it would be good if Donald Trump was well versed in ecological economics and inclined to reform capitalism in such as way that everyone had enough capital to never be stuck in a whirlpool or an undertow of poverty. Realistically world leaders are generally a load of crap (except Vlad Putin does seem to benefit Russia as much as possible) and purely self-seeking. Not all perhaps, yet I have trouble thinking of exceptions myself.

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...