
Nothing Surprising About Euro Reaction to President Trump

One would need great expectations to be surprised by the Euro leadership attitude toward President Trump. The world is full of those seeking to dominate and lever against the U.S.A. whatsoever way they can. George Washington in his farewell address notably warned against making permanent foreign alliances. Bill Clinton attended Oxford and has acted like a British tool since. The Brits like their own devices and Donald Trump isn’t one

Europeans expected another Muslim and immigrant promoting neo-leftist to be elected. One in the mold of Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton who would feel like they were detached from nationalism and were world citizens benefiting foreign economies and themselves instead of Americans. Euros were aghast at the election of the movie star of crass capitalism and have hated Donald Trump since.

There isn’t anything surprising about U.S. allies- whoever those are, that diss the President of the United States. Donald Trump seems as patriotic as Theodore Roosevelt and enjoys mixing it up.

Sure it would be good if Donald Trump was well versed in ecological economics and inclined to reform capitalism in such as way that everyone had enough capital to never be stuck in a whirlpool or an undertow of poverty. Realistically world leaders are generally a load of crap (except Vlad Putin does seem to benefit Russia as much as possible) and purely self-seeking. Not all perhaps, yet I have trouble thinking of exceptions myself.

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