
White People, Africans and Asians Briefly

Here is one version based on d.n.a. and archaeological analysis. Apparently white people became white about 8500 b.c. throughout Europe. Before that the whites in the far north evolved white skin  and were the parents of those farther south. The Arctic shores saw the arrival of humans about 25,000 b.c. Fifteen thousand years was enough time to move from Africa and reach the Arctic. Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa to Europe about 40,000 b.c. and some of those that had gone far north first became white and interbred with more southern Europeans that lost their dark skin under the clouds and with the new genes. Those from Africa that went to Asia made the trek about 100,000 b.c. so they evolved different traits than Europeans or Africans. Finally there was some interbreeding of Asians and Europeans wrenching the works again creating confusing questions for people in the 21st century.

How Europeans evolved white skin

Teeth from China reveal early human trek out of Africa

Asians and others arrived in America via Berengia. Lots of interbreeding. etc. Some Inuit have oriental looking eyes. Amazing.

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