
Mark Begitch Probably Will Get Elected Gov of Alaska

Former U.S. Senator Mark Begitch probably will be elected the next Governor of Alaska. The present Governor Walker isn't very popular having cut the permanent fund drastically.The republican candidate (Walker is an Independent) Mike Dunleavy might just give the permanent fund to the most rich (that is a worry of voters), or is at least not trusted to keep it intact. Alternatively former Senator Begitch might restore the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend and find some way to let Government pay for itself without raiding the people's treasury to benefit the most rich. Politicians ought not be or support ecospheric cleptocrats.


The Republicans have zero environmental conservation credibility and so lose support from independents that care about the world remaining a livable safe space (in some respects) for humanity. It is a Charybdis, Scylla-hydra tripartite choice with Democrats being preponderantly morally depraved and ungodly people that  want to turn the U.S.A. over to globalist powers while letting illegal aliens do the heavy lifting. Life is not a box of chocolates.


SCOTUS has continued to remove state political power. Governors haven't so much power to regulate states as formerly. Putin took away the power of Russian governors too in building up federalism. In a way the United States is becoming more like the Soviet Union with the President being the Chairman of the Communist Party-except it's a corporatist party that is sometimes neo-socialist. The Senate is like the Supreme Soviet. Former executive administration insiders keep their security clearances forever like permanent members of the communist party enfeofed as a shadow government. The broadcast media make democracy seem real though it's all about plutocracy and socialist sycophants.

Republicans tend to regard all public property as rightly belonging to the most rich. They also tend to believe environmental reform isn't necessary because they have vague and incorrect Christian apocalyptic reason not to care about the world ecosphere being trashed through over-use. The incorrect theological doctrine of pre-millennialism provides that the apocalypse of the Bible is in the future and those of faith will be raptured out before the final collapse. Actually the Biblical apocalypse happened in the first century a.d. when the apostles were killed and Jerusalem destroyed by the Romans. Jesus said all that would happen within the present generation and it did. Pre-millennialist theologians are simply to daft to comprehend that the Biblical truth is post-millennialism.

One must wonder if Mark Begitch will utilize the somewhat new field of participatory budgeting if elected Governor of Alaska. Numerous Alaskan cities might find the PB procedures useful. 

https://www.oidp.net/docs/repo/doc233.pdf  includes a brief history of initiative budgeting

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