
Corporatist Putch to Surrender Border to New World Order (2007 draft)

These putching corporatist neos will censor the internet by taking posts or pages down until the issue is decided when one writes in opposition incidentally...

A Corporatist Congress trembling a year after the Mexican mass marches in support of illegal alien amnesty in the U.S.A. works to pass a surrender the border to Mexico bill in effect. Corporatism has coopted the U.S. Congress and administration corrupting to a remarkable extent; so far in fact that providing residence status for up to 20 million illegal aliens instantly, and residence for the entire population of Mexico as relatives of the 20 million are allowed entry too. Corporatists in Congress fundamentally are traitors to the U.S.A. in favor of globalism because of greed and delusional concepts of power and what the global economy will be on a non-renewable foundation. Particular highly cultivated nationalism with good neighborliness is a far better approach to providing a sustainable planetary environment.

Southerners and Senator Edward Kennedy have led the fight to reverse the sovereignty of the United States from Mexico gained by General Scott in the Mexican war at substantial American cost. Ulysses S. Grant was a young lieutenant that led an artillery battery firing from a multi-story building that broke the back of Mexican defense of Mexico City. What not even Robert E. Lee could accomplish in the American civil war of defeating Grant the U.S. Congress is accomplishing today...and fort the same onerous purpose of exploiting human labor. The results will eventually become the same perhaps, with the end of the United States instead of just the confederacy.

Globalism is a corporatist goal supported by union busters, cheap labor plotters and others seeking instant profits from Chinese, Indian and Mexican labor. What history demonstrates however is that the lazy non-creative exploiting class eventually becomes the servant class ensnared by their own perfidy.

The Congress passed a Lenin-like bill providing a way for the permanent subversion of American political independence by globalists radically  infusing insecurity into the American lifestyle. Like Lenin's 1916 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Kaiser to subvert the Romanov dynasty in which Lenin gave away the Ukraine and one-forth of Russia to Germany the U.S. Congress has sought to annihilate American national border security, led by the traitors Cherkoff, Bush, Kennedy, McCain and Gonzalez and flood the United States permanently with a cheap labor conveyor belt from Mexico and elsewhere. If the bill passes the House the United States will be at an effective end, and a globalist succubus will develop as a body snatcher of the body politic transforming it into raving jellyfish of corporatist blindness.

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