
America is Unique in Some Respects

If one means the United States in saying “America’ (one needs to disambiguate the term as the U.S.A. or one would need to default to North and South America and regard them as one entity or fail to have uniqueness), it is a concatentation of historical events and geographic things-for-themselves that have made the United States unique. Some elements are unique such as leading the revolt against all things British and royal. America was the first large colony of Britain to decolonialize; a process that never really ended though dozens of nations have kicked the king out for themselves.

The United States of America were free states in the Americas while everyone else in the Americas were ruled by Kings and Queens. It is theoretically possible that other nations will join the United States in the future. Perhaps the U.S.A. is unique in that respect.

The United States developed french fries and cheeseburgers when other nations had sandwiches and dainty slices of boiled potatoes. America had coca cola when others were drinking tea at 4 p.m. on hot days. America has possums and Europe, none. It is the constitution of the United States as well as the Declaration of Independence that set the nation apart as a leader and defender of democracy. The United States even fought a terrible civil war fewer than threescore years after the British invaded and burned the national capital, to keep the U.S.A. from splitting apart and being victimized again by tyrants that hate democracy and prefer aristocracy. The war was also fought against the confederacy and their foreign supporters such as Britain to free men enslaved in the confederate state-about three million slaves I believe the number was.

The United States banned the importation of slaves within 25 years of the constitution being ratified into law. That was a leading article in the day. The U.S.A. is a nation that formed from its start without an aristocracy. The greatest threat to the freedom of Americans today are foreign and domestic plutocratic corporatists that own a sycophantic broadcast media incessantly attacking the nation and its values.

The United States of America has had the grace of God with it for much of its history. Humanity itself has a poor history of goodness and the battle to achieve dignity in the rights of the average man along with freedom and security has only advanced with blood, sweat and sacrifice. The United States sacrificed hundreds of thousands of young lives with casualties approaching a million in two world wars to bail out their traditional enemies the British, as well as a few other nations that could not defend themselves. The dangers presented by the Nazis were plain enough, although the dangers posed in the first world war by the German aristocrats that prosecuted Hindenberg’s war are far less clear. Perhaps that was America’s first mistake that set the course for some further errors in the 20th century. Alternative history that didn’t happen is largely an exercise in fiction writing unfortunately.
The United States could be regarded as unique in leading the defense against global totalitarianism. That is a two-sided issue I am well aware; the cold war had supporters on the side of communist totalitarianism rather than that of the free markets of the free world.

The United States continues to be the only nation that has placed men onto extra-terrestrial bodies. The United States is blessed with having two oceans and nations north and south that could not defeat it in war though each have been military enemies of the United States at various times in their history. It had great people with adventurous natures and scientific brilliance from the start. The number of early 20th century inventors it produced that changed the way mankind lives is remarkable. The nation today has far fewer immigrants than in its early years. Today about one of five Americans is an immigrant and the rest have ancestors that left Europe and elsewhere in some cases centuries ago.

The Colonel that wrote the surrender agreement that General Robert E. Lee signed was an assistant to General U.S. Grant named Parker. He was a full blooded American Indian. America went to some trouble to provide save reservations where Indians could survive the contact with immigrants with better technology and numbers. Some nations such as Argentina tried to extirpate them and largely were successful. Today most Americans know the history of American Indians as immigrants arriving as long ago as 35,000 B.P. and the fact is celebrated. The United States was the first large Western nation to elect a negro to the Presidency. England hasn’t had an African ancestry Prime Minister yet much less Russia, Saudi Arabia, Canada, China, France or Germany. American black men average the same annual salary as white men at about $25,000 annually.

The United States was rather unique in being a God-fearing nation much later than the nations of most of Europe. The number of Christians still comprises a majority of the population but the interminable propaganda of the broadcast spectrum and bad theology are driving down the numbers of believers.

The United States has the power to make large successes and large failures. It is important to direct it to large successes tat advance the well being of mankind and America first rather than to harm the nation and indirectly harm others with its troubles. Continuing creativity and human dignity when their are global powers to destroy individual integrity and independence making civil rights into the right to be a subject of elites with no moral will for-oneself except to be programmed isn’t easy. Wisdom is required along with leadership and those can be challenging to find and elect with such mediocre global powers working against it.

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