
Former Intell Critics Seem Like Deep State Roaches Emerging After Jones Purge

Alex Jones' ideas about the deep state people seems to be actualizing in public following the disappearance of Alex Jones from social media. All of the former intelligence officials critical of the President that have emerged from the shadows recently like roaches when the lights are turned off seem as if they are the tip of the iceberg of dark matter swelling up from the deep below the surface realm of collusion between Harvard alumni, the Cintons, Bushes and military industrial complex that never ever want things to change or be economically efficient and downsized.

The calvacade of collusionist clowns in the 1% owned media that are corporatist-socialists and have marginalized any sort of independent President with bad ecological economic ideas perhaps will never stop until all Americans are peons made equally politically irrelevant. Why not take away security clearances from all former government employees with temporary security passes if they are really necessary now and then? The persistence of lackeys of former Presidents interfere too much with the present President. That's the deep state.

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