
Former Admiral McRaven Raves at President on Security Clearance Issue

A former Admiral that was in the chain of command glory for the Bin Laden raid has teamed up with former C.I.A. Director Brennan against POTUS. Apparently the former Admiral has deep loyalty to his former ad hoc boss on intelligence, so much so that he has asked President Trump to revoke his security clearance too. Maybe President Obama should have chosen the Delta Force rather than the seals to lead the raid; they might have brought the treasure trove of information back alive.

The former C.I.A. Director is a live critic of President Trump while President Trump is being attacked by the sore-losercrats and the left-wing media. President Trump has every reason ethically to keep a public adverse high security clearance critic out when he has demonstrated that he might provide classified data to those seeking to cut the Chief Executive off at the knees.

Admiral McRaven may be a dangerous individual with a zillion military connections, yet luckily he isn’t at all high in the civilian chain of command. Allowing Admirals to get involved with land concerns is not a very good idea.

With so many retired military and spooks as well as civil servants retaining security clearances it is no wonder the U.S. Government security is a leaky bucket. How many of those retired military and government people working for Defense contractors still have security clearances? That situation could create some non-competitive insider bidding.

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