
American Broadcast Media is About 25% BS

The American  broadcast media is about 25% truthful, 50% emitting content loosely grounded in some true element and 25% complete B.S. The American broadcast media is mostly a for-profit entertainment business unfortunately over-influencing national governance, democracy and foreign policy adversely. It is also mostly a tool owned by the most rich globalists to control the masses with propaganda and agit-prop. One might wish it was plain honest and discretionary, but it ain't.

The U.N. fellow that accused President Trump of about inciting violence with criticism of the broadcast media is absolutely full of shit himself or herself. The President is speaking the truth while the U.N. official isn't. The problem is after all a national rather than an international problem. Foreign countries have their own media issues. In Russia most of the media is state-run and 75% of the people trust it and President Putin might extol it for its quality. I suppose the U.N. human rights chief would like such tranquility in the U.S.A. or even better, to let the nation be run by globalists.


Free speech (first amendment protections)) are applicable toward criticizing the commercial media too. Organizational use-truths and their incessant re-enforcement through mass communications power and sycophancy elicit partisan support. The mass media have numerous ways of disseminating propaganda. Many of the largest are tools for the 1% these days.

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