
What to Do About John McCain's Posthumous Glory Naming

The late Senator John McCain probably should have retired 15 years ago. Senators with brain cancer simply have impaired judgment. The brain doesn’t support thought in the same way with cancer as it does without. Probably the subconscious is altered substantially.

Fox news decided to award a medal of honor to the late Senator for being a P.O.W. and staying in the Hanoi Hilton even when his North Vietnamese captors tortured him to try to get him to leave and go home. Plainly that is worthy of a medal of honor.

Yet medals all around could be awarded to the congress just for being there to debate renaming the Russell Office Building the McCain Senate Office Building. They to can share the glory of being p.o.w.s as they are in a sense captive to the federal debt.

Senator McCain’s legacy of disregarding flight instructions to get to low and shot down, breaking his jaw while escaping his aircraft, being bayoneted by a Vietnamese soldier and being tortured into leaving which he refused was far beyond the conduct of his fellow p.o.w.s Maybe all of those people incarcerated by the enemy should get medals for valor from the Congress and a nice check too.

The Russell Office Build should be renamed the McKinley Office Building, or the Martin Luther King Office Building, or the Robert F. Kennedy Office Building and John McCain should just get an aircraft carrier with his name on it. It he is flying around anywhere in spirit, he might land on that.

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