
Christianity in the U.S.A. and a Couple of Challenges

Christianity has several theological and ecclesiastic challenges to meet. In a way Christianity has experienced some of the same difficulties that adversely impacted newspapers and network television from ubiquitous mass media and internet. For Christian churches the socialization by anti-Christian elements that became pervasive along with additional technological changes in U.S. and world society made it much easier for people ti choose to opt out of attending church. Yet in the underdeveloped world Christianity increased in numbers because of the easier dissemination of information and expansion of social contacts made possible with new technology.

American Christians have encountered numerous structural issues along with theology that is off. Two easy to consider issues are those of apocalyptic end-times; did it already happen as Jesus said it would before that present generation passed in the first century a.d. or is it still ahead with all of the strange metaphysical events that pre-millennialist teach? The theological example is the failure of the church with universal literacy in a technological information age to adapt to Martin Luther’s idea about the church that all Christians are priests. A priesthood of believers church structure would be egalitarian and share roles in church presentations on Sundays. It would be a far more active church, a more honest church with all being professing Christians rather than pew sitting observers. Modern Christianity should be a participation practice rather than one of a laity under a separate class of Christian priests or even one priest that is non-working an over-tithed.

In the post-millennial era Christians are supposed to be increasing in numbers and increasing the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is within you as the Lord said, and the Holy Spirit leads as God wills, to make it possible for as many Christians to be saved as He has pre-destined. Not one shall be lost.

The actual pace, scale and shape of the future demographics of Christians in-the-world is known to God rather than mankind.

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