
On PT Standards for the Army

After confirming that your health is good, develop your own running before enlisting. Run for time or distance yet not both to start with. Run for an hour a day and try to go farther each time. Find out what your ideal body weight is and stay with that. Work up to five miles, five days a week. and get the time down to under seven minute miles; not a blistering pace yet better than most young people these days. You should enjoy running…it’s one of the most enjoyable things one can do while the knees are good.
Push-ups are something you need to work on for the two months you are getting your running game together; work up to 50 push ups with a right-angle at the elbow and without touching your stomach on the ground. Get as close to the ground as you can before going back up. Drill sergeants will help you to increase the numbers.
Sit ups, if you are at ideal body weight, are easy. I could get 80 done in two minutes on the exams usually. That’s kind of fast paced. One doesn’t need to do that well, yet get at least 60 in two minutes before enlisting, and you are probably in better shape than your peers.
In theory the military physical fitness standards should be lower than your own. Then when you get up at 4 a.m. to do p.t. it’s the best time of the day…running a mile or two before dawn.

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