
President Trump and His Challenges from the Broadcast Media

The broadcast media is preponderantly owned by the most rich. It is a tool of plutocracy. President Trump in criticizing them elicited a unified reply by 301 newspapers in plain collusion. The broadcast media worldview is the one that reinforces the concentration of wealth and destruction of democracy. Democracy in the mass media era is evolving into something like a Supreme Soviet legislature that serves elites and are sycophants of the most rich. The Saudis are rich so the elites like them although they are the source for much of the anti-democracy Muslim terrorism in the world. President Trump has first amendment rights too.
Certainly some kind of correction needs to be innovated so government is not of by and for the 1%. The Internet was a glimmer of promise to return to democracy however that hasn’t really evolved. Corporate values purged Alex Jones’ channels from social media recently and after that all of the former Intelligence chiefs crept out of the woodwork to attack President Trump for taking away former CIA Chief Brennan’s security clearance for obvious reasons.
To a certain extent the broadcast media are the Orwellian tool leading the daily hate while protecting their elite special interests. They need to control the masses and make them believe everything is fine while its becoming worse economically, or that the environment would be fixed if only a democrat were elected, although one likely from Harvard, who would conserve a few trees for cut a few taxes someplace, for a limited time only.
There are international ideas about public initiatives, e-government and public budgeting that are interesting and that could be experimented with locally. Finding a way to assure that corporate cannot purge people for using free speech in social media is quite important if any sort of political developments besides those corporate wants is to occur. Democracy is supposed to be responsive and the best ideas are to be found in a marketplace of ideas, yet that just isn’t the way it is in the corporate social media.
There are innumerable alternative ways to reform government, capitalism and economics that would be in conflict with social media special interest desires owned by global corporate powers that should be expressed without concern of being marginalized. President Trump is correct about the mass media being wrong, and they will attack him with partial straw man misdirection arguments until the problem goes away.

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