
Search Engines May be Unfair to Conservative and Independent Bloggers

President Trump is concerned about the power of Internet search engines over what people see in the political realm. Plainly search engines like Google have the power to gerrymander search results to put up their own political views if they wish. If they don’t choose to do so, or if that never occurred to them, that would be good.

Americans aren't exactly monkey see, monkey do people yet there are a lot of people that follow current trends to go with front runners.  If the left-leaning media is featured, rather than articles from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy or whatever, that will influence what people believe is important. Preferred locations for business such as Wal-mart along freeways bring in customers and so do preferred internet locations; hence people pay Google to get a better search engine result for their web page. Free and fair Internet listings that aren't repressed or disadvantaged by an algorithm are meaningful concepts for those with web pages,

It required a couple of months of using the google filter before I could get rid of CNN articles from the news feed. The top listings were invariably the usual suspects; The Washington Post, CNN, CNBC, Vanity Fare, The Atlantic and so forth; all left leaning Democrat Party supporting entities. Besides Fox, and Fox is weak on conservativism and foreign owned, the conservative point of view was non-existent. The filter out the source button at google news just did not work; eventually I wrote a blog article about the topic and after that it stopped. 

I used to get a thousand views on my blog many days before President Obama took office, then after a few years the views crashed overnight to fewer than 100 where it remains, I tend to support President Trump.


It seems to me that the Internet search engines do hire a lot of Democrats with easy access to programming opportunities to marginalize blogs that post opinions they don’t like,burying them so they are in a dark, distant place. The ability to influence elections that multinational search engines have is substantial. How equal opportunity and political ‘net neutrality’ could be forced upon search engines is beyond my constitutional law knowledge.

The better solution would be if their were conservative, independent, libertarian as well as corrupting Democrat search engines, so anyone could duplicate their posts to a friendly site if need be.

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