
What is the Logic of New Sanctions on Russia?

The rationale for new sanctions on Russia isn't evident to me. One sanctions in order to correct something or to get something, rather than nothing. The new sanctions were punitive rather than a lever to exact a concession, as is usual in diplomacy. Russia cannot release some jailed homo or something the administration might desire in exchange for a repeal of the most recent sanction.

The reason for the sanction said the administration was the use of a nerve agent in Britain that killed an individual. No proof was given that Russia was to blame, yet even if they were, could they resurrect the dead to end the sanction?

There are more than six nations that have the particular nerve agent in question, so it is not necessarily Russia responsible for the death. In fact the premise of innocent until proven guilty seems lacking here. Democrats have that policy toward President Trump, but that is no excuse for passing the unsupportable blame on Russia. That does harm to the U.S.A. as well as the cause of international justice.

Maybe the President is just trying to appear patriotic for PR purposes. He should however be more concerned with upholding the principles of justice.

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