
USA Has About the Same Income Inequality as Mexico

The United States and Mexico now share the same degree of income inequality. The GINI coefficient; a measurement of income inequality and concentration of wealth, has each nation at about .48. A score of 0 is complete equality and a score of 1 means that one individual has all of the wealth of a nation.

Russia rates a .42, South Africa .62, Taiwan .33, India .35, Canada .33, Ukraine, .28 and Japan and Israel .37


For a leader of the free world the United States isn't a great example of income equality or managing a federal budget well.

Probably the Clintons are responsible for the situation as they emptied the field of Democrat candidates of quality for decades as if they were gas giant planets destroying any small travelling comets or asteroids in the area with the powerful gravity.

Making income equality great again, equal to the gilded age of the roaring twenties (1920s) is happening now. Public debt is only 21 trillion dollars though. There is a silver lining in every dark cloud.

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