
Warm Air Rises? Arctic Air Heating 2X Faster Than Rest of World

A new study appeared examining Arctic air and thermal temperature changes. The Arctic Report Card found that air temperatures there are rising higher faster than the rest of the world's warmer areas. It could be that warm air rises and moves north to gather near the pole. That idea can't be blamed on the scientists who did the study, it was what occurred to me. That and the fact that the pole is at the center of the world's spin rather than at the outside, so warm air would tend to remain there better.


In my opinion the situation will remain that way just until the Arctic nears a saturation point for melting. Then it will have excess warmth to spill back south to rapidly increase world temperature outside the Arctic.


Video- Intro to 'A Philosophical Approach - Cosmological'

                                             I read the introduction of my book.

Withdrawing U.S. Military from Syria May Save Money

The problem with Syria is that it isn’t Kansas anymore. Why should the United States keep military personnel in Syria when it isn’t even an unincorporated U.S. territory like Navassa Island?
The United States has Kurdish allies who can keep an eye on things in the area-and there are drones and other surveillance aircraft. The U.S.A. should strengthen Kurds in the region and help defend them against Turkish terrorist threats to invade Syria and hunt them to death. After the U.S. withdraws Turkey may feel free to invade, slaughter, plunder and spindle loose forces.
Kurds are something like the Jews were before Israel was put together- they would benefit from a homeland or at least confederation of Kurdish autonomous states in a piece of Syria, Iraq and Turkey. All those Sunni Muslims ought to be able to accept that and stop targeting Kurds.

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Blitz Chess (3M) English Opening-Great Snake Variation

                                                                                                           I played black.


Michael Flynn Seemed to Have Been Acting As National Security Adviser a Bit Early

When the F.B.I. directed by James Comey decided to ambush N.S.A. Michael Flynn in a White House interview just days after the Trump administration took office, former JSOC Intelligence Director Flynn choose to field questions from the F.B.I. He felt he had nothing to hide and was confident in his role as the National Security Adviser. He may have had no awareness of the Logan Act that made his intercessions for the benefit of the nation, rather than for personal reasons of profit, as a private citizen just before officially going on the job, legally wrong.

Comey apparent sent over partisan agents early while the Trump team of non-lawyers was somewhat disoriented because of the newness of the jobs. Flynn wasn't a lawyer and would have been fine if he had not taken the N.S.A. job. Apparently most people don't register as foreign agents if lobbying for foreign countries. Maybe some of them that work on other matters too don't actually know they are supposed to. One must be very careful if a Turkish government official asks a private citizen to write to their Senator to help get Turkish apricots an exemption from Trump tariffs.

As an effective intelligence Director Flynn had good enough reason to dissimulate and conceal proprietary information from the F.B.I. The F.B.I. is hardly read in to the highest classified information the National Security Director may have regarding means and sources. Not even broadcast journalist would reveal their sources in all cases to the F.B.I.; how much more would a C.I.A. Director conceal information or even lie to an F.B.I. rife with Democrat party partisans in order to conserve national security. Flynn was perhaps too new on the job to realize his information was probably covered by executive privilege. Flynn's conversations with Ambassador Kislyak may ave been deemed need-to-know only.

A Clinton appointee to the Federal Bench- Judge Emmett Sullivan has in two consecutive days lambasted Michael Flynn as a suspect of treason and overturned the Attorney General Sessions era order that not all victims of crime are eligible for asylum in the United States. Democrats this week have said they would let the government shut down before funding a National Security wall even in part along the Mexican border. Democrats are not the party for national security.

The Democrat party seemed to e trying very hard to get a legal wedge in on the new Trump administration. Most of the principles are partisan Democrats. Former F.B.I. Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's wife Jill got 675,000 dollars from Bill Clinton's money man Terry McAullife for her political campaign.  gave large donations to the Clinton campaign. Strozk- one of the agents that interviewed Flynn in the White House, wrote to Page that Trump must be stopped through official government offices. Other critical emails, like those of Hillary Clinton, were inexplicably erased. The Flynn-Trump attack has Clintonista written all over it. McAullife may be a presidential candidate in 2020.





Veto McConnellcrat Short Term Spending Bill Unless $2 billion for Wall is Included

If congress wants to close down government for $2 billion when the shut down may cost a substantial portion of that each day, go for it. President Trump should get at least $2 billion for building a wall now and more later. Tens of millions of people want the wall built. McConnell shouldn't grinch them for Christmas.

Pragmatism , Utilitarianism and Taking a Poisoned Pawn En Passant

  The war in Ukraine, from the Biden-Blinken perspective, is necessary for two or three reasons of a dubious moral character. One is that fu...