
Withdrawing U.S. Military from Syria May Save Money

The problem with Syria is that it isn’t Kansas anymore. Why should the United States keep military personnel in Syria when it isn’t even an unincorporated U.S. territory like Navassa Island?
The United States has Kurdish allies who can keep an eye on things in the area-and there are drones and other surveillance aircraft. The U.S.A. should strengthen Kurds in the region and help defend them against Turkish terrorist threats to invade Syria and hunt them to death. After the U.S. withdraws Turkey may feel free to invade, slaughter, plunder and spindle loose forces.
Kurds are something like the Jews were before Israel was put together- they would benefit from a homeland or at least confederation of Kurdish autonomous states in a piece of Syria, Iraq and Turkey. All those Sunni Muslims ought to be able to accept that and stop targeting Kurds.

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