
No Change to the Stall on Faster Than Light Communications

Quantum telecommunications including the Internet may be on the horizon. Quantum communications seemingly could theoretically travel faster than light if one tangles particles and eliminate communication delays between Earth and missions in space.


Physicists apparently believe that causality of the usual universe would be disturbed with faster than light communications. Entangled particles have a net change in spin state of zero so if one is made to be a left particle with waveform collapse through observation the entangled particle partner would need to have a right spin.

Many articles explains why the FTL nature of entangled particles for communication don't allow FTL communications. Here is one useful one... https://www.azoquantum.com/Article.aspx?ArticleID=74

I wouldn't think it means the FTL system is forever stalled. Conservation of a complete system might be possible. A moon base will have another topic for research.

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