
Why People Think Armed Revolution that Works isn't Possible

The basic paradigm for why a successful revolution is thought to be impossible today goes something like this…Americans haven’t got enough weapons to defeat the military, so a conventional armed revolution isn’t likely unless the US military becomes so decayed and dopey that its quality drops to rotten door status. Corrupt political leaders working wickedness upon the cadres with homosexual drill sergeants who could abuse trainees might be tolerated, yet there might arise something that would offend the soldiers or citizens enough that revolt was deemed useful. If the nation allows in a near majority of Muslims to become radicalized they just might have the capacity to revolt for sundry reasons. Changes can historically occur to nations that ripen the moment for revolution. Under the despotic power of corporatism that can define an enthralled entertainment society or even socialism as democracy, few would jeopardize their comfort and peace.

A thousand soldiers of the 101st Airborne took charge of the Arkansas National Guard in defense of the order for Little Rock Schools to integrate. The local Guard where themselves recalcitrant about staying on the job. A number of political circumstances could arrive to influence the military about taking sides in a civil conflict. Perhaps a successful revolt would require that a large number of US military personnel side with the rebellion.

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