
Huawei, Iran, Trade War Etc.

Did a Huawei arrest help win the trade war? I.M.O. it wasn’t intended to. Arrest of Huawei perps is self-standing for legal reasons, or obviously they should be released. For that matter, the trade war is important only insofar as soy sales need to resume and Chinese solar power panels should be allowed to flood the U.S.A. without tariffs in order to simulate competition.
Violating U.S. sanctions on Iran is a serious matter. Though we would like to be on good terms with Iran’s fundamentalist Shi’ite government (well at least I would though its hard to say what godless atheist Democrats really think about it. In a way Pres. Obama seemed to want to pursue a constructive engagement policy with Iran, give them a decade to develop quality missiles and twenty years to just research building nuclear bombs before putting them on quality missiles), the U.S. for bureaucratic ineptitude development of fine foreign policy because of inertial drifts into inflexibility and maladaptive recognition and correction of dysfunctional policy reasons, objectively has made a tradition of bungling Iranian-US relations. Even so, buying and forwarding banned U.S. manufactures to Iran is a violation of law.

Huwei’s 5G technology may be of service to Chinese Red Army intelligence gathering and that is a concern although probably not a present violation of U.S. law. As the new tech goes on line western powers and others that have no desire to kow tow to China as they might to Apple or Google intelligence gatherers, Facebook etc might want to ditch the Huawei phones etc.

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