
Jesus Mentioned Mountains, And Overcoming Them

The late J.Vernon McGee said that evil is natural events like tidal waves, earthquakes and illness that harm, and wickedness is harm that humans intentionally do. The world has the physical problem of entropy as a natural fact. Adam and Eve were thrown into a world of entropy beyond the garden of Eden. Until the elect go to heaven they will remain in the world of entropy, harm and death. The kingdom of God is within, and that spiritual faith and confirmation with the visitation of the Holy Spirit is what renews and gives new life to the soul or experience of being. The spiritually dead have no faith or abstract belief in things metaphysically beyond the material realm of sorrows (and joys).

The Universe is a so far unfathomable place of what is named to be space-time with dimensions that seem to be different directions. The Bible has many scriptures that may be cited as commentary relevant to the material Universe though they were written so long ago. Yet people often refer to Democritus and Aristarchus for there work on physics and planetology thousands of years before main stream science arrived at similar points.

The prophet Isaiah wrote something that could be taken to actually mirror the paradigm for entropy and the exaustion of the energy of the Universe although it is very unlikely that he had any notion of that sort of thing. God may place future value ideas in things written in the past.

Isaiah 40:4 King James Version (KJV)
4 "Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain:"
The Lord Jesus spoke of overcoming mountains or large obsticles with faith.

Matthew 17:20 King James Version (KJV)
20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you..”

Faith allows abstract reasoning, for it regards things unseen, and abstract reeasoning finds solutions to material problems sometimes in ways that cannot be directly inducted without it.
There is another sense in which one may consider objects and even mountains as subjective constructions of thought. A mountain may be viewed in many ways including crustal deformation and a place differing positions in relations to the center of the Earth. The general theory of relativity and subjective thought about objects inform us of the motility of things-in-themselves and for-others. ; the Lord was true about that. How one interprets real things in part determines reaction to them.

Philosophers and logicians may classify real objects, attributes and ideas with referent denotations and even connotations that have evident relation to how one relates to them.  Are real things denotatum in-themselves or merely designatum? Water may seem like a solid surface to a waterskipper bug, yet wet and fluid to a human. A physicist or chemist may view certain objects differently than a farmer. One's thought about things can change one's relationship to them.

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