
Go Fund Me Campaign to Fund Syrian Troop Contractors?

 Since President Trump chose to slowly withdraw 2000 U.S. troops from Syria there has been some disgruntlement, politically speaking, about the decision. Yet someone could step into the void militarily- even the Kurds with enough U.S. equipment and air support. Turkey is a bad option because it isn't a good idea to encourage even partial return of empire; the Ottoman was one of the more brutal empires to exist especially in Serbia and Iran. They buried people upside down with legs sticking out above ground to make a special garden in at least one spot in Iran.

So what can be done besides creating an international Go Fund Me campaign to hire 2000 mercenaries to help out the Kurds in peacekeeping. Many national governments including France could contribute to pay the trivial cost of several million or maybe a billion a year for the privilege of firing weapons at persons of interest x, y and z. and everyone could be happy.

The U.N. could help with the effort.  

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