
Magnus Carlsen vs Robert James Fischer

Robert James Fischer had natural genius inherited from his parents. He and Lasker were probably the smartest chess players since Morphy. Robert James was something of a juvenile delinquent in playing chess instead of being a physicist like his father, yet it couldn’t be helped. After winning the world championship, chess may have collapsed like a spent, inflated soufflĂ© to him psychologically- a game of little value. The best player in the world, and not rich- chess didn’t pay much back in the day. Neither had it content besides being a game.

Was Robert James good or Magnus Carlsen as good? The apostle Paul;
Romans 3:10-12 King James Version (KJV)
“10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.
12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.”

Neither Robert James Fischer nor Magnus Carlsen are good. No one is good except God.
Robert James had the virtue of having defeated the Soviet chess machine. That helped end the cold war. The victory was as psychologically as valuable as the U.S. hockey team victory over the Soviet team in the Olympics; it shattered Soviet ideas of their skill level as being in some fields, invincible. I met a guy once who said that those that cannot do math have no soul (not true). Robert James showed the Soviets that Americans have soul.
Magnus Carlsen plays chess in an era where he could purchase the book of the last great Soviet grand master-world chess champ Garry Kasparov. He is champion in an era of political bungling that is reigniting the Cold war and prospects for nuclear war. It is a hyper-vain materialistic era and the avarice for pawns and parsimony of sacrifice is representative of the zeitgeist. Russia has said it has a new hypersonic nuclear weapons delivery vehicle launched from missiles that skips along the top of the atmosphere at five times the speed of sound and is highly maneuverable. The U.S. replies with a billion dollar contract to Lockheed to build one for-themselves. In theory, the rekindling of the Cold War is caused over the pawns of historically Russian Crimea and Ukraine.

Magnus Carlsen can play interesting chess more like that of Garry Kasparov now and then. Super GMs (over 2700 rating) no longer need concern themselves with being caught up in Cold War intrigue. Robert James Fischer probably would have been an outstanding physicist with the right early education. I am not so sure about Magnus Carlsen. I envision his alternative career development as that of an outstanding engineer- rather like Einstein’s son?, who developed an electro-magnetic linear accelerator to launch vehicles into space from the Earth kinetically and further; developed an electromagnetic field launcher in deep space to accelerate vehicles to a significant portion of the speed of light.
Lasker was a great mathematician and some of his work is still relevant.

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