
Guessing P.M. May's Next Vector Fork Brexit

 British P.M. Theresa May having survived a vote of confidence test in her conservative party has some few months to get her Brexit bill passed by a recalcitrant parliament that would prefer to have her cake and eat it too or let the hard natural Brexit evolution become fact 29 May 2019 when the lines would be cut to EU pirate ships plundering British booty. What is her secret recipe the next few months?

The Brit PM might organize an alternative global economic organization with the British former Empire at the core yet welcoming anyone that wants to be member of a preferred trade and business group without any sort of social surrender requirements regarding sovereignty. It is possible that she might sell a new ecological economic trade organization that lets nations join whom are willing to work sustainable economic policies and measures within her new economic organization. At least the organization might allow just sustainable businesses the zero-tariff free trade while taxing anything else that would seek to pass through the green screen.

Probably leaving without an agreement is best for Britain insofar as Britain is enough of a party house as it is and millions of migrants arriving to plunder and trash the place wouldn't be too helpful. Alternatively may have a Russian economic collusion card she could play after Brexit is wrapped up to bring Russian into a new economic order with Britain being the non-space business brain to develop Russia for a profit.

Actually there are too many economic possibilities to enumerate in a brief note for the British PM to potentially utilize. PM May could choose a conservative Wilsonian reform direction or a liberal Thacherite equalization of trade globally within any of several potential international organizational formats She could create and lead. Instead of the many EU encumbrances that made belonging an onerous duty to those without ecological economic ideas for-themselves or for-others May's Thatcherian updates could induct new players into a more equitable business union.

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