
The Hydrogen Filled Super-Grid Isn't a New Green Deal Idea

The idea of using cryogenic liquid hydrogen to enable superconducting power lines within across the nation was advanced in 2006 and 2007. https://www.designnews.com/electronics-test/supergrid-could-transport-electricity-and-hydrogen-parallel/177611891628539

It was and is a good idea that could serve as the first module of a national infrastructure upgrade toward a low-carbon sustainable economy.


Besides moving energy cross country with low loss of electrons, the technology could be adapted to charge electric vehicles that draw power from the line indirectly.  As a first step three systems could be built in the meridian of select freeways on both coasts (Interstates 5 and 95) and Interstate 10 across the south. That would allow millions of new electric car owners to draw power while traveling and reduce gross greenhouse gas emissions. Even a practical Newer Green Deal political program would encounter significant obstacles. Yet after accomplishing one step toward a cleaner, faster, upgraded green economy, another might be taken.


Democrat politicians have the reputation of exploiting ecospheric ideas for election reasons yet falling short of doing solid work. A particular, specific, material objective that can be objectively evaluated and quantified is a better way to move legislation through Congress than general, vague, pass it to see what we can spend on whatever kinds of legislation.



Where are the Solar Powered Bicycle Tail lights?

Dollar stores sometimes sell fairly good rechargeable outdoor lights, yet bicycle tail lights that are solar recharged don't seem to be available even at Wal-mart. Why not?


It Should Be Illegal for Lawyers to Publicize Confidential FIles (eg. Michael Cohen)

There should be a law making it a crime for attorneys to publicize to congress or anyone else confidential client files without the consent of the former client. If it isn't a criminal offense, lawyers can just sell out there clients to interested parties whenever the price is right. Former Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen is offering 14 million files to Congress in exchange for a lighter sentence.


Lawyers, psychiatrists, physicians and other privileged information access professional ought not be duplicitous loutish spook-trickster-con artists exploiting their clients for profit. The Congress should not be so unethical as to cooperate with such individuals routinely to further corrupt the fabric of American society.

Malthus Thought Population Growth Would Overtake Food Supply

The economist Thomas Malthus believed that humans would reproduce to the limit of the food supply, and population growth increases faster than food supply, so the food supply eventually would not be able to support the population.

Modern economists found that prosperity decreases population growth eventually as women choose comfort and pleasure through consumerism instead of extra child bearing.

An update to Matlhus' paradigm might be that the population will consume as much as it can, to the limits of the capacity for production of consumables, regardless of the rate of population growth. As society's median prosperity increases, consumer consumption skyrockets.

https://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/history_07 The Ecology of Human Populations: Thomas Malthus

Salt Blocks for Endangered Bwindi Park Mountain Guerillas?

Recent reports have indicated that the 1000 remaining mountain guerrillas are evidently sodium challenged and have been raiding distant farming areas for sodium in Eucalyptus trees not available in the park. Cattle ranchers have salt blocks for cattle to lick that cost as little as $5 dollars apiece. Maybe conservation experts and the ecotourist guides bringing $400 million to see the guerrillas in Rwanda and Uganda could take in some of those 50lb salt blocks occasionally and leave them for the big apes. Amazon delivers groceries these days, maybe tourist guides should deliver some sodium blocks for the guerrillas (maybe in exchange for bananas).




Maybe some geodesic durable plastic rain umbrella hung from a tree would keep the blocks from being washed away in the rain.

Dems May Show Russian Collusion With IRS to Benefit Trump Posich

House Democrats on the Ways and Means Committee are asking the I.R.S. for six years worth of President Trump's tax returns from the I.R.S. One might read between the lines and discern that Democrats are following a trail of Russian-I.R.S. collusion to benefit Donald Trump financially so he could afford to run a winning campaign weaponized with the purchase of copious Facebook ads. If Russian agents have infiltrated the I.R.S. and taken over the organization from the top down it is possible that a vast left-wing conspiracy to force higher tax rates may crystalize.




House Democrats may discover electronic tells with foreign words and phrases like; "Natasha, next time I get fiendish plan, do me big favor? Sharrup my mouth!"



The Effect of a Hypothetical Global Economic Collapse on an Administration

A collapse of the world ecosystem would be worse than the collapse of the U.S. and world economy. One might wonder how a Neanderthal or Denisovan would have regarded a question about the ecospheric decline. Probably he or she would have denied the possibility as a hoax.
Business interestingly is developing some carbon dioxide absorbing technology.
A government might invest in that as well as big oil. That is an irony; big oil is investing in technology to correct the greenhouse gassing issue; a problem it has played a large part in creating. Profit going in and profit going out for oil.

Actually if the economy were to collapse few would care much about the administration that let it occur. They would be turned out in the next election unless already a lame duck with meager consolation of going home and investing their winnings. Business goes on regardless of the overall state of things. People have sold bread made from wheat horded before a general famine occurred. Politicians often exacerbate problems because they aren’t often good at business and rely on some academic ‘experts’ of one school that wouldn’t find agreement with others. They would deny eternal judgment and hell as an ‘externality’ that extremists are concerned about.
Apparently whatever best benefits the most rich is the policy that government will follow and train the public to accept as the best of all possible economic management.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...