
Democrat Immigration Policy Has Fascist Characteristics

Donald Trump is a moderate Republican, not an inventor of fascism as was Mussolini. In 1807 the United States outlawed the importation of slaves. The nation has always sought to make rule of law the law of the land. Federal regulation of immigration has existed for most of U.S. history. The president’s job is to enforce federal law and border security including preventing the illegal entry of aliens.

Some Democrats feel the United States security policy should resist illegal entry with less protest than that of a multiple orgasmic slut to intercourse. That attitude is ubiquitous in Democrat Party leadership. Years ago when I worked at a Taco Bell in Texas the Haitian manager said that America is a spread-legged woman. Democrat Party leaders seem to lust after illegal aliens and hate President Trump for not sharing that viewpoint.

Those Democrats working for de facto open borders are closer to the fascist demeanor of Mussolini. They just run over opposition in the way as best they can and keep on rolling. Only if the Congress passed laws with the consent of the governed supporting very high- 2 million a year, immigration numbers equal to the present probable number of aliens arriving annually through illegal entry, would the policy of working for letting a couple million illegal aliens enter annually not be of a fascist disposition.

Dictator Kim Jong-un Executes Diplomat for Failure of Nuke Talks at Hanoi

North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un has executed his lead nuclear arms elimination negotiator for the breakdown of the summit with President Trump. Four other officials were also executed or put to hard labor. The prerogatives of a dictator liberally allow execution-of-others-for-themselves.


The fat-headed dictator apparently wants to have his nuclear cake and eat it too with sweeteners provided by the United States in return for more good photo ops. The summer construction season is at hand; the dictator refusing to get rid of the nuclear tool kit is missing out on the easy to start  businesses of industrial infrastructure with joint partnerships from South Korea.

Apparently the dictator is unaware of the quality of pastry shops that could be built in North Korea by German pastry experts if a free market economy were allowed. North Koreans probably could be put to work right away building computers for a fair wage. It is possible that bullet trains from Seoul to Pyongyang  would be on the post-evil communist nation agenda. 

The Dictator gets the worst possible deals for his people (North Koreans) with the best leverage anyone could want. Possibly political inbreeding of dictators has created a dynasty with blue-blood communist problems wherefore the fearless leader is just stupid. He could get some Swedes to help him design a mixed socialist economy if nothing else. As a dictator it's pretty easy to change if one has a functioning brain.

Big Banks Jeer Executive Branch Decision to Tariff Mexico for Illegal Mexican Migrants

Some big American banks have jeered the Executive Branch decision to charge Mexico something for sending a couple of million illegal aliens north over the border annually (maybe half are caught and released). Those are big banks that should have been allowed to fail in 2008-9 when they received Executive Branch bailouts for their global financial perfidy. They think nothing of subverting wages and good jobs for the poor Americans outside the federal reserve-big bank axis of back-scratching.

A 5% tariff on Mexican imports should continue until the number of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican border annually is fewer than 50,000. The United States isn't a lawless slut without civil rights that lays down for the machos from anyplace with token resistance. The United States has always had laws and sought to do politics lawfully including regulating immigration. The U.S.A. banned the importation of slaves in 1807. Without laws concerning immigration people could have imported slaves until the civil war.

President Trump should disregard the slimy global bankers that ridicule the effort to secure the U.S. border from unfair labor practices that benefit the rich and harm the poor in the United States. One can understand why the Jacobean reaction followed the French Revolution better if one compares those aristocrats of yore to Wall Street and Big Bank aristocrats.

Step by Step, Inch by Inch, Chess Ratings Increase

I play on-line blitz chess casually and enjoyably. I learned the game so far as that goes, six years past. It was only last night, the first warm night of 2019, a night when forest fire smoke drifted over from Canadian infernos, that I felt nauseous and had dreams of a transparent chess board with piece notations floating above and the words table base draw written over, ethereally across the screen.

I studied the board in my mind searching for the many pieces that I deduced were invisible. The game notation of the pieces above was a hoax-there were no pieces on the board- it was a smokescreen hiding something deeper. I am not sure what that was.

My ratings on line fluctuate wildly according to server speed, and for blitz at least, there seems to be algorithms that one cannot defeat, a priori, like when a gambler knows the roulette wheel is fixed, or the deck marked. At that time one may lose nine of ten then switch to a different chess provider on-line and resume winning ways.

One just wants a better chess tool kit to play more interesting games. It is easy to discern one’s own chess skill limits. (i.e.) Some players actually understand the Sicilian better, pronounce the Pirc defense properly etc.

Einstein said that chess enslaves the mind. I comprehend that better now. Keep struggling to reach the blitz summit of whatever rating. It’s worth it. Then again, I saw a government commercial where some kid from the mid-west talking about addiction said; “And they put fentanyl in my heroin!


Should Starlink Satellites Be Painted Black?

Starlink satellites designed to support a global Internet capability for a Musk business present a problem for astronomers and night creatures used to a darker sky. Starlink sats are bright objects. Twelve thousand of the Starlink points of light may change the view of the night considerably. 

Maybe Elon Musk should think about painting them black. He also might support a dark side of the moon general purpose astronomy facility to alleviate worries astronomers have about the view being degraded by space junk orbiting Earth. At least Mr. Musk could co-ordinate an International viewing platform center on the dark side for staging radio telescopes, infrared and optical etc. Everyone wants a clean, unobstructed view from the dark side of the moon of the galaxy and points beyond. All of the automation and drones should make controlling them from Earth stations easy.


Is it Time to Build a Tram on Mt. Everest?

With eleven deaths on the high slopes of Mt. Everest in the last week it may be time for Nepal to consider building some kind of tram nearly to the summit. There must be a pot of investment capitalist willing to build a costly ride most of the way up  within a few hundred feet of the summit. It would save lives and create a revenue stream.


Constructing some kind of a power line and oxygen recharging stations; if not an entirely enclosed, oxygen pressurized lift might be the better way to accommodate the thousands or tens of thousands of glory seekers striving after their place at the point on the Earth highest above sea level (Mt. Chimborazo is actually the highest point on Earth from the center).


A Mt. Everest power lift should create hundreds of jobs with perhaps a restaurant at 20,000 feet or so. There might be some kind of ultra-light launch pad built as well.

A Short History of the Bible

Biblos means little books. People often wonder about how the 80 books of the King James version (1611) of the Bible came about. Probably there the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) were collected in various parchments, scrolls, scripts from a number of sources and collated by Moses. As a son of Pharaoh he had the education and means to gather his Jewish brother’s and sister’s tribal history records. Yet there were probably others in Israel and Judah that kept records. Moses probably invented the alpha beth as a phonetic upgrade over the Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Moses prophesied himself that there would be a Jewish leader who would devote himself to working on all of the material of Moses. He was probably pointing to King David. David probably commissioned the formal construction of standardized, collated Old Testament Biblical material of the day and the work likely continued into the court of Rehoboam his son.

Biblical scholars have found that the book of Genesis was worked on at different times by four writers known as the J, E, P and D writers.
The earliest is the J writer. He or she probably was the first and worked for David or Rehoboam.

The Court of King David was circa 1050 b.c. Moses was circa 1450 b.c., and Abraham about 2000 b.c. So one can see that a thousand years passed for the material to gather. The Hebrew language was only started around the b.c. 1400s. Before that maybe oral poems recorded social and religious history. It is no wonder then that King David wrote the psalms as prose-poem-song lyrics.

The last book of the Old Testament is that of Malachi written about 425 b.c. The final book of the New Testament is The Revelation believed written by John sometime in the first century a.d.- about 500 years after the book of Malachi.

http://jesusalive.cc/ques272.htm Old Testament chronology
The oldest complete New Testament is the Codex Siniaticus from the 4th century a.d. (300s). There are fragments from the 2nd century a.d.

I put together a free book that goes over some New Testament material that is interesting regarding the writers of the New Testament.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...