
Step by Step, Inch by Inch, Chess Ratings Increase

I play on-line blitz chess casually and enjoyably. I learned the game so far as that goes, six years past. It was only last night, the first warm night of 2019, a night when forest fire smoke drifted over from Canadian infernos, that I felt nauseous and had dreams of a transparent chess board with piece notations floating above and the words table base draw written over, ethereally across the screen.

I studied the board in my mind searching for the many pieces that I deduced were invisible. The game notation of the pieces above was a hoax-there were no pieces on the board- it was a smokescreen hiding something deeper. I am not sure what that was.

My ratings on line fluctuate wildly according to server speed, and for blitz at least, there seems to be algorithms that one cannot defeat, a priori, like when a gambler knows the roulette wheel is fixed, or the deck marked. At that time one may lose nine of ten then switch to a different chess provider on-line and resume winning ways.

One just wants a better chess tool kit to play more interesting games. It is easy to discern one’s own chess skill limits. (i.e.) Some players actually understand the Sicilian better, pronounce the Pirc defense properly etc.

Einstein said that chess enslaves the mind. I comprehend that better now. Keep struggling to reach the blitz summit of whatever rating. It’s worth it. Then again, I saw a government commercial where some kid from the mid-west talking about addiction said; “And they put fentanyl in my heroin!

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