
Does a Human Fetus Have Less Rights than a Dog?

Does a human fetus have less right than a dog to exist? There are laws against cruelty to animals yet a human fetus in most states has not even the right to exist. What kind of morality is that?

Having recently completed a free Yale course offering on everyday morality put on by a professor of moral psychology I wondered about the omission of abortion as a topic. Apparently morality is thought to have some resemblance to positive laws where good laws that have been decided are no longer controversial; that is they are res judicata. That is convenient for the left that would force bad policy into law from on high.

Morality has a Kantian aspect to it consistent with democracy where the categorical imperative of doing onto others as others should do unto you-only support laws that work universally (for everyone). Universal laws are determined electively in a social context. 

Morality is a balance of personal intersocial power abstracted to a Universal level. Moral norms become those that support individual and group continuity or existence. Circles of morality are those where the elective power of morality is recognized. Unenfranchised creatures aren't electors and are morally exploitable.

Slaves, women and children in past times of history had little or no elective power and were socially exploitable. Then they became enfranchised and exploitation decreased. They became part of the general moral circle. Children were brought into more so than the past and were given limited rights; even pets and dogs were accorded some legal protections because they were liked by enfranchised humans. The glaring omission from the circle of morality prevalent in the U.S.A. was human fetuses that continued to be aborted by the millions annually.

Human fetus' have the problem of being incommunicado and unable to vote or participate in circles of morality. One must think that human fetuses have as much intelligence at least as a puppy at some point in their pre-birth existence. If one could poll a fetus on its opinion about existing or not, it would be unlikely to agree that it wanted to perish.

So at some point in the not too distant future technology may make it possible to test the mental capacity of fetuses and determine if they are as smart as puppies, and even if they can be made to communicate opinions, or learn anything while interacting with experimental researchers wired in some way to communicate. Then perhaps, fetuses may be given some right to exist within the human moral circle prevalent in the United States.

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