
Reincarnation-Catch Alternative, Purgatory and Salvation

I wrote this reply to a post in a course I am taking...
 The ideas in your post are interesting and informative. The 'just world theory' does tend to be a post hoc rationalization especially useful to those that are well-off compared to those in more challenging circumstances.
I have often thought that the theory that 'this is the best of all possible worlds' is wrong. I personally could envision innumerable ways that it might be made better. That is, to clarify, from a secular point of view rather than a metaphysical one.
The 'catch alternative' theory was interesting. I am a Christian and don't believe in reincarnation. The theory of 'catch alternative' is comparable though to the Catholic idea of purgatory where souls must labor to improve their character before being deemed worthy to enter heaven. It is a salvation by works paradigm that was deemed unworthy by protestant theologians first and later by catholic theologians too.
Reincarnation is a good paradigm for working off sin and for finding some just way to pay for bad worldly deeds and benefit from good conduct/actions. Christians have a different idea about finding a just world (reincarnation is a kind of metaphysical justice for the world paradigm)- fundamentally they stipulate that everyone has original sin (thermodynamics make humans consume mass to make energy for living and reproducing and that leads to adverse social relations). The world has people who are naturally wrong and cannot save themselves- God alone can save them as so that is why he sent His Son Jesus Christ to intervene. Those that believe Jesus is God and accept His atoning sacrifice will be found acceptable to God in eternal life.
Sin is a human condition. Those that follow Jesus try to be without sin. God sees Jesus' perfect life without sin in those that accept the Lord as their redeemer. God is perfect and those that would be with God for eternity must be perfect too. Only Jesus Christ could accomplish that, and he conveys his sinless nature to those that have faith in His salvation work. God sees the character of Christ for the saved when they die and go to eternity.
The U.S.A. has many atheists. People that are entirely worldly tend to chase after promotion and wealth. They tend to kiss the derriers of the powerful and richest in order to prosper. Politicians tend toward being shallow, superficial and self-serving. Sometimes they can be hired to work for the good of the people materially at least, and that isn't necessarily bad.
The Lord said that the meek shall inherit the Earth and that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. They are things to think about.

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