
U.S. Gov Should Buy Soybeans

The U.S. Government should buy millions of tons of soybeans this year for food stamp recipients. A contractor could make the soy into chewable food bars and the government would buy them. They might actually work well in school lunch programs too.

There is no better all-around food than soy except maybe peanuts so while the trade war is on and China is letting its people eat degraded meat potted products instead of healthy soy the U.S. government should try doing something practical.

The Trump administration is robbing Peter to pay Paul on the 1.6 billion for the moon budget. They shouldn't take anything from Pell grants for the U.S.A. needs educated people, and far too many poor students just can't afford college without the Pell Grants.

The moon is important of course. Maybe they will need to cut a deal with Bezos or Musk and use their moon lander.  A billion on a moon research base might be a better investment.


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