
China Busy Destroying Earth's Ozone Layer

It is remarkable that a problem believed solved by intelligent humanity in the '70s has resurfaced; large scale release of gasses that attack the world's ozone layer.


One hopes the Communist, atheist Chinese leaders get some sense and quit releasing mass quantities of very dangerous gas into the atmosphere. The gas trichlorofluoromethane aka CFC-1 is illegal under the Montreal Protocol that China signed and dishonored. In the old days people used chlorofluorocarbons as a propellant in deodorant spray and air-conditioning coolant (Freon). It is possible the Chinese are secretly manufacturing the gas to sell to third world countries for hard cash, that may not know any better. Some Africans may want air-conditioning and don't have an E.P.A. Easy people to dump cheap, dangerous gas on. Some Chinese atheist leaders are dangerous red-necks.


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