
21st Century Objectivity

Since Quine's 'Two Dogmas of Empiricism' outlined the troubles with empiricism concerning science the epistemology of popular philosophy has tended to move toward a more reflective and wholistic point of view. Language was brought into the mix; especially logic and language and the way propositions are constructed. Then one has the examination of the relation of words to objects, what objects are in-themselves, where qualia of descriptions of objects lie on the spectral color chart of meanings. Besides that the entire quantum viewpoint from physics and the uncertainty theory appeared to make epistemological uncertainty return with a Socratic solidity. 

Maybe pragmatiism and language meanings or lexical sets that have utilitarian kinds of function worked best in sing verbs and nouns to describe reality and common experiences. Kripke and Quine investigated realism and nominalism for word-values. Did the meanings of words have a platonic realistic realm of forms quality or were they just phenomenal meanings that worked temporally, nominally, superficially? I believe people grew to understand the differences and issues about reality as noumenon or for-themselves and phenomenon as objective appearances. 

People learned about colors, the electro-magnetic spectrum, subjective interpretation of light quanta with eyeballs and so forth. People learned about the Universe/Multiverse or simply the verse of experience commonly encountered by human beings as space and matter-energy/motion. People learned they exist within that decohered from all-possible-locations quantum field.

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