
Humans have Invented the Worst Weapons

I would think that the worst weapons ever created would be those that can destroy the Earth, or end its livability for human life. The present human economic structure would qualify in that regard, and second, maybe daft Democratic Party politicians. Third might be a device I read about in a newspaper a half century ago; the Cobalt Bomb. I have googled it to find a reference to it in the last decade and couldn’t find anything about it. It was said to be the size of a shoe-box and capable of destroying the atmosphere of Earth.

After that it would be using the hydrogen and oxygen of the world’s oceans as an explosive. Big bang with the right primer.

Gene recombinant weapons are very dangerous- a subtle change in the human structure could convert all human life into Democrats or worse if possible, as odd chimeras.

Lastly there would be smart-boulders hurled at the Earth from space- perhaps putting a small rocket or ion engine on an asteroid with an artificial intelligence guidance system directing its (or hundreds) course to impact the Earth at tens of thousands of miles per hour.

Deserving honorable mention are weaponized microwave devices to burn up life with a large water content (such as human) at a megacity scale, chemical weapons, nuclear bombs and television.

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