
Self-Driving Homeless Shelters

 Reading an informative article in the L.A. Times on homeless people living in cars and parking in safe, dedicated lots I was prompted tp consider ways that might possibly improve the delivery of shelters to homeless aged individuals that comprise nearly half of those living in cars in L.A. Why not develop electric, solar-powered vehicles that are self driving and designed as overnight sleeping quarters?


The sleeping cars could be made to recharge overnight in safe parking lots with security after picking up thier users for the night.

Concerning the True Shape of the Universe(s?); Different Opinions than the Standard Model

 An interesting story about cosmology having an incorrect vision of the shape and nature of the Universe, re: Mr. Subhajit Waugh. Going back to basics concerning general relativity gravity theory and quantum mechanics and applying them in different ways than the standard model is reasonable enough. In my opinion gravity is the key to understanding quantum theory deeper as discovering how mass attracts other mass is contingent on deeper insight into what space-time is and how various fields like the HIggs entangle massless particles into becoming mass.


Go ahead- elect Jim Jordan Speaker of the House

 Republicans used to be regarded as being the competent party. Presently they seem to have a case of the ass- a sickness heretofore commonly afflicting Democrats. They should elect Jim Jordan Speaker- he isn’t Denny Hastert and is a good enough, credible representative able to lead that party through the challenging times. 

The fifty-five recalcitrant Republican Representatives that say thay won’t vote for Jordan and prefer keeping the party in dysfunction, chaos and temporal pathos ought to realize that the Speaker need not be perfect; he or she need be functional, pragmatic yet with a vague sense of Utopianism out there in the mist apparent even in the fog of war. 

The nation needs to elect good politicians now and then and Jordan probably is one. Look what happened when Romans had a series of bad political leaders- they lost ground and eventually fell. Jim Jordan may be the best Speaker since Tip O'Neil and the fifty-five would be waiting for Godot to arrive. Jordan may be a good Christian fellow who didn’t drink Democrat Kool-aid regarding Russian collusion that they may find unforgivable- who knows?


Nikki Haley says "sick people should be eliminated"

 Nikki Haley- who is running for the office of President makes utterances commensurate for Nazis. Joesph Mengele and Adolph Eichmann would have been entirely sympathetic with her idea that "sick people should be eliminated". She was using the term most recently in describing Hamas agents murdering children in Israel. It is true that murder is wrong and especially that of children, yet it is true as well that one should not conflate the idea of health and behavior and that politicians sought to be free to label human beings as sick and then kill them.

“This is sick, and we have to treat sick people the way they deserve to be treated and eliminate them,” -Nikki Haley


Perhaps Nikki Haley is an ignorant idiot who does not comprehend that the majority of U.S. citizens technically are sick. About 50% qualify for diagnosis with a mental disorder according to statistic of the last few years and old people haven't a monopoly on ill health or sickness. Euthanasia has been an issue from time to time and many Republican voters are the elderly who are not much comforted when a Republican candidate says that the sick should be eliminated.

The Nazis sought to build a pure and healthy race without the 'sickness' of those they regarded as inferior beings. Nickki Haley's ideas fit into the NAZI ethic quite well although it may not be what she intended. It is entirely possible that she, like so many Democrats is ignorant of world history, of European history, of German history and ironically how the Jews were slaughtered by Nazis as captives because of being regarded as sick, inferior and troubling problems. It was also convenient for Germany to expropriate Jewish financial resources; what better excuse need be made to take what belongs to others and to marginalize them unto death if they can be labeled 'sick'.

It would be much better for Presidential candidate to eschew ambiguous terms that can have very vicious double meanings. Political behavior may be stupid, and human behavior including murder may be wrong; sometimes courts find individuals brought before them to be incapable of making rational judgments sufficient to allow them to know what they do. It is important not to criminalize sickness or deem sickness worthy of death. Not only is it inconsistent rhetoric for a doctor of politics, it threatens democracy and the security of individual liberty. If politicians merely need label opponents in war or peace sick to justify eliminating them for being a member of a class worthy of death democracy is a complete sham.

Israel should receive U.S. support to defend itself against a region that hates Jews and hates Israel for existing as a nation. Politicians generally remember the holocaust and the history of European pogroms purging Jews. Israel was recreated to provide a secure place for Jews to live. It was not created through colonization. After the first world war terminated the Ottoman Empire's control over the middle east the Balfour agreement let the Jews have a homeland in their ancestral land. Neither has Israel apartheid; instead it is like unto an American Indian reservation made to let a minority race have a place to exist at rather than being extirpated through attrition scattered around a larger population. Jews like American Indians can live elsewhere than their reservation of course. There are fewer than 14 million Jews on Earth. 

Muslims sympathizing with Nazis wanted to eliminate Jews entirely in the Levant. Former Ambassador and Governor Haley shouldn't Tramp on sensibilities or appear to reinforce a fascist ethos for it does the nation no good at all.


Two or Three Things Considered

 Considering the number of affairs going on in the world that are ligitimate public interests I will comment on just a very few. I believe the number of items is too large for all except a few pros with full time occupations skimming news and stats to recognize with much depth.

The invasion of Hamas into Israeli territory was notable. A music festival became a terrorists slaughterhouse and a vague war finding terrorists to kill followed. Yet the Ukraine conflict is an ongoing concern. Spending so much money to keep that war grinding on has perhaps diverted funds that might have been better spent in strengthening Israel's security as they are at the focus of regional terrorists visions as a shining turkey on a hill to slaughter.

Ukraine on the other hand properly belongs half to Russia. Never was a war easier to prevent or resolve after it started as that one. The west and especially the rich have forever lusted after Russian Ukraine and invent whatever excuses they need to justify conquering it through war and legal fictions. Proper minions like chess.com have been pro-Ukrainian and anti-Russian as has so much of the American left that follow the will of Bill and maybe British aristocrats to war for taking all of Ukraine and Crimea knowing that President Biden will deliver tens and even hundreds of billions to Ukraine including advanced weapons systems to keep the conflict going. A free society and actual democracy supports different opinions and ideas about which wars to fuel and which ones to demure escalation.

The war could be settle tomorrow with an armistace in place and that a permanent settlement of the conflict with normalized relations and demilitarization following swiftly.

A.I. is taking over the internet. Humans may have nothing to do besides argue with one another while A.I. moves the machines of production. U.S. Rep Jim Jordan seems destined to be the new Republican Speaker of the House; a forthright strait shooting individual. There may be a volcano readying to erupt, an asteroid making a close approach to the Earth, a rapid melting of the Antarctic ice sheet, an immanent recession, a radically better autobile batterry for EVs and so forth. Life in the U.S.A. is so interesting, and it snowed at higher elevations too.


Decoys and Wealth Wars (poem)


With senseless carnage
they opened the Devil's Gate
for-others the fight is so hard
striving to possess real estate

  Decoys played like cards to consolidate wealth
iterative tools cinch one percent health
lives lost too late, interest free loans
the last body buried worldly profit is known.


Will AI Dominated Social Media Label Human Communication 'Fake News'?

The development of A.I. concerns is a kind of philosophical issue. That is people focus narrowly on their occupational interests and haven’t much time for general inquires including the potential problems of A.I. that are radically prolifferating. In some respects, because of the challenges with language in regard to word and object inaccuracies it is possible that A.I. employed by search engines and social media could designate all human speech as fake news. Here is a video that examines some of the dangers of A.I.


On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...